Tagged: gliding

Flying Squid

The scientific community has come to realize that there now may be another animal in nature that can control its movement while airborne; the squid. There are up to six species of squid that have been observed in nature to posses the ability to launch themselves around 2 meters high out of the water and […]

Nature’s Mysterious Flyer

One of the most mysterious gliding animals that can be found in nature is the flying squid. Flying squid are cephalopod mulluscs and of the Ommatostrephidae family. Several species include the Humboldt squid, the Neon Flying squid, and the Japanese flying squid. They can range in size from 10 cm long to 100 cm long. […]

Internal Adaptation for the Tree Lizard

So far in this class we have talked about many external adaptations in animals for flight. However the Neon Blue-Tailed Tree Lizard shows that animals can adapt internally as well to help them take to the skies. The Holaspis guentheri, or the Neon Blue-Tailed Tree Lizard, hails from a large area in Africa, where its […]

Gliding Vine Seeds

Alsomitra macrocarpa, known as the Alsomitra vine or the Javan cucumber is “a type of climbing gourd.” The vine is found mainly in the forests of Java, Indonesia.  Where it grows truly remarkable seeds by the hundreds in “football-sized pods.” What makes these seeds so remarkable is the fact that they are virtually aerodynamically perfect […]

The Flying Fish!

Resident of both sea an sky, the Flying Fish is often seen gliding above the water and maneuvering away from predators with ease. The term “Flying Fish” is a broad nickname for the Exocoetidae family which contains over 40 different species of flying fish. These species can be seperated, roughly, into two different groups – […]