BUDT Goes to Nationals


Another nationals season has come and gone, and BUDT could not happier. All our hard work paid off as we placed 4th overall in the Team Performance competition and 2nd place in the Hip Hop category at the NDA National Collegiate Dance Competition in Daytona Beach, Florida! We knew we were going to have to work like dogs to maintain our top national ranking from last year, but the work was worth it.

11078156_10206281755504377_5881750684432130515_nWe had a lot of obstacles to overcome this year: making up snow-canceled practices, changing Nationals choreography, fundraising the most in the program’s history, and of course continuing to be challenged with harder choreography, new hip hop tricks, and long practices, all while maintaining our grades. But every girl on the team worked incredibly hard and stayed focus on what we needed to get accomplished. This team is made up of the most determined, talented girls you will ever know, which is how we once again reached our goals. Nationals was an amazing experience as always, and the team is already excited about next year. The girls know they will have to work even harder, but they are “rhetty” for the challenge!

11154867_10204337184726691_8475553345274735162_o - Version 2The BU Dance Team would like to thank everyone that has supported them throughout this journey, including their dedicated coach, Kaitlyn Busconi, and awesome assistant coaches, Kate Stanton and Kate McCabe. This year would not have been possible without them! You can watch the team’s performances here and here! And a special congrats to BU Cheer for getting 4th place, the best in the program’s history! We can’t wait to see what the future holds for BUDT, and we hope you stick around to find out. More info on camp and fall auditions will be coming soon. If you are interested in joining the BU Dance Team or have any questions at all be sure to email us at budt@bu.edu!



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