New Years

Happy New Years everyone! I know that many people plan to lead healthier lifestyles with the new year. Remember to be wary of fad diets. Evaluate the strategies for being healthy that work for you. What have you done well in the past year? What would you like to improve? There is no need to start from scratch– we all can draw from our experiences. Here are some tips that I am sure that you have read many times before, but that I would like you to read again. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, with a well rounded menu that includes starch, protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and calcium. Exercise and be sure to stretch and keep hydrated with plenty of water. Remember that health is not limited to physical health, but emotional, mental, and spiritual health as well. Keep the crippling stress at bay, remember your inner strength, find good people that you can trust, and love your body and yourself!


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