The state of my publications in 2014

Book manuscript (in progress): “Ruling Ideas: How Global Economic Paradigms Go Local”

Published articles
1. “Austerity versus Stimulus? Explaining Change on Fiscal Policy at the International Monetary Fund since the Great Recession”, Governance, DOI: 10.1111/gove.12099
2. “Recalibrating Policy Orthodoxy: The IMF since the Great Recession,” Governance (with Kevin Gallagher), DOI: 10.1111/gove.12103
3. “Brazil’s Liberal Neo-Developmentalism: Edited Orthodoxy or New Policy Paradigm?” Review of International Political Economy (Spring 2013).
4.“Economic Transnationalism and its Ambiguities: Romanian Migration to Italy”, International Migration (Fall 2012).

5. “Sovereign Debt, Austerity and Regime Change: The Case of Nicolae Ceausescu’s Romania,” East European Politics and Societies (Winter 2012).
6.“The BRICs and the Washington Consensus” Review of International Political Economy (with Mark Blyth, April 2013).

7. “Heinrich von Stackelberg and the Diffusion of Ordoliberal Economics in Franco’s Spain,” History of Economic Ideas (Winter 2012)
Research notes
“Reframing the Postcommunist Political Economy: The Diffusion of Class Analysis in Romania,” forthcoming in East European Politics and Societies.
“Beyond Transitology: Revisiting the Political Economy of the Romanian Transition to Democracy,” forthcoming in Historein.

Special issue editor
1. “Dreaming with the BRICS? The Washington Consensus and the New Political Economy of Development”, Review of International Political Economy, spring 2013, (with Mark Blyth)
2. “The IMF since the Great Recession: Making Sense of Stability and Change,” forthcoming in Governance (with Kevin Gallagher)

Articles under review

Fiscal Policy in Financialized Times: Investor Loyalty and Financialization in the European Financial Crisis,” Journal of Common Market Studies (with Daniela Gabor)

“From Cocktail to Dependence: The Transformation of Romanian Capitalism,” Europe-Asia Studies.
“Geopolitics, Regime Type and the Internationalization of Economics Profession During the Cold War,” Journal of Cold War Studies

“Recalibrating Orthodoxy: The Economics Profession and Fiscal Policy during the Great Recession,” submitted to Journal of European Public Policy.

Articles in Progress
“Ruling Ideas: How Global Economic Paradigms Go Local,” prepared for World Politics

“Extending Varieties of Capitalism: Finance and Fiscal Policy Convergence,”
prepared for Socio-Economic Review.

Book chapters
(2012) “Was 1989 the End of Social Democracy?” in Vladimir Tismaneanu and Bogdan Iacob, eds., The End and the Beginning. The Revolutions of 1989 and the Resurgence of History, Central European University Press
(2005) “The Rule of Law and the European Human Rights Regime”, in Hoffmann, Matthew and Alice Ba eds., Coherence and Contestation: Contending Perspectives on Global Governance. London: Routledge (co- authored with Goldstein, Leslie F.).
(2007) “From Postcommunism to Social Europe? The EU and Labor Market Reforms in Romania (1997-2006)/De la postcomunism la Europa sociala? Uniunea Europeana si reformele pietei muncii in Romania/ in Dobre, Anamaria ed., Extinderea UE si Romania/EU Enlargement and Romania, Iasi: Polirom.

Book reviews

(2014) Review of Capital, Coercion, and Postcommunist States, by Gerald M. Easter Cornell University Press. 2012.

(2011) Review of The Civic Foundations of Fascism in Europe. Italy, Spain and Romania, 1870-1945, by David Riley, Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, Review of Politics, 73: 499-501.
(2008) Review of The Political Economy of Fiscal Reform in Central-Eastern Europe. Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic from 1989 to EU Accession, Northampton: Edward Elgar, for Political Studies Review.
(2008) Review of Towards the Completion of Europe. Analysis and Perspectives of the New European Union Enlargement, edited by Joaquin Roy and Roberto Dominguez (Miami: University of Miami Press, 2006, for Journal of Common Market Studies.
(2006) Review of Frank Schimmelfennig, EU, NATO and the Integration of Europe. Rules and Rhetoric. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003, in Journal of South Eastern Europe, issue 31/32.
(2004) Review of David Barany, The Future of NATO Expansion: Four Case Studies, for East European Politics and Societies, Vol. 18, No. 4, 717–719.

Discussion (0) | May 10th, 2013 Categories: Uncategorized

Courses I teach next year

IR 759: Power, Ideas and Money: The Politics of International Finance

IR759 Power and Money-May 6

IR 592: International Economic Organizations and Development

development-and-ios_may 6

Discussion (0) | May 6th, 2013 Categories: Uncategorized