Taylor: The Final Countdown

It’s that time of the year. Time for major investments in flashcards, increased coffee consumption, and constant professor office hour visits.  Students are on the prowl for nice study spots and BU has a lot of options with open space.

Tips for selecting your study spots: try to stay away for the most common study spaces available such as Mugar Library and the Student Villages. Granted that the view of Boston is exceptional, the Student Villages offer extraordinary views of this Commonwealth. However, it is COMmon knowledge that congested congregations make it hard to study individually due to volume levels and the rarity of finding comfortable sitting. Here are five calm and effective study places for final exam preparation.

5. Mugar Library

Mugar Library is a very feasible place to study if you arrive early. The library’s convenience to the George Sherman Union makes small snack and lunch breaks likely. Claiming a cubby or small group table can get a bit iffy though! Be sure to select your spot before the huge influx of students pour in.

4.Shelton 9th and 1st floor areas

In contrast to StuVi’s, the 9th floor of Shelton is less clustered. The riverside view of Cambridge is phenomenal. No other way to watch the sunset and sunrise while reviewing notes.

3. Boston Public Library

Enjoy the reading room on the second floor of the Boston Public Library. Be sure to collect your thoughts and take a look at the massive open room with huge dome ceilings that share similarities to a museum.

2. Trident Bookstore

Located near Newbury Comics, Trident provides great vibes that assist in thought recollection and help tone down test anxiety. Be sure to keep an open ear out for samples of song bites from around the world.

1. Law Annex

Certainly forgotten around campus, the Law Annex has tons of lengthy tables equipped with outlets. This factor plays a crucial role in study selection. If you want to be completely isolated from others around campus this is your place!

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