Aidan: The Beauty of Free Time

Hey Com-mandos, it’s Aidan again. This weekend, something magical (and weirdly horrifying) happened to me. I’ve been a part of a production of a musical, Urinetown, for the past two months. This show sucked up all my time: weekends, nights after classes, all of it. But this Saturday, as the curtain closed on my final performance, another curtain opened, revealing all the free time I now have.

And it terrifies me.

What do I do with free time? Should I take up crocheting? Magic? Sleight of Hand? My mind is filled with anxiety and confusion over not having anything to do with myself. BUT, its going to be okay.

Some other COM students out there might be like me; always wanting to be busy to avoid that moment when you realize you have nothing to do. Before this week, having nothing to do scared me stiff.

HOWEVER, I am here to tell you today that free time is a good thing. All my com-rades, heck, all of BU: Take some time for yourself. Catch up on Netflix, go out and buy more underwear so you aren’t doing laundry every four days, eat all three meals that you should have been eating. Dare I say it, go to the gym.  Free time means more time to focus on the most important thing: you. So relax, all my scheduling nerds. Take this moment to take a breath, re-focus, and find ways to improve you. Take this moment to get your life in order. Then, when you feel all good and comfy, plunge into the next great challenge.

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