Stephen: Importance of Following Through

I don’t want you to read this title and think I’m talking about following through on a golf swing or anything like that. I’m going to be mostly talking about following through on things you have already set in motion.

I’ve always been one to constantly be thinking of new ideas and things I can do. Whether it be personal projects, classwork, or some type of collaboration with others, I like to engage in these opportunities and get as much on my platter as I can. For one, I highly enjoy photography and traveling around to take photos. I have spent countless hours watching videos about photography and have spent a great amount of time also researching different places to go. I am always so eager and excited to do these things, but where does it all lead to? In all honesty, not very far sometimes. There have been a few times where I have planned a photo trip and actually followed through with going out to take the shots, but for the most part it all comes to a halt before the trip even takes place.

This same principle applies to many aspects of what I do as well. For example, towards the beginning of last semester I went out to shoot a short film for fun with a couple friends. We filmed the entire thing in one evening, and had a fantastic time doing so. I just finished editing that project last week. I didn’t finish because it took me so long to work on, I just happened to be organizing some files and decided to take a look at it again. At this point I think you all understand what I’m trying to explain so I’ll stop with the personal experience and instead share a couple reasons following through is fantastic, and something that has really helped me change my ways.

Happiness. It is simple but one of the most powerful motivators. If you want to be happy, finish what you started, whether the result is bad rather than good. You’ll have a higher appreciation for yourself for being committed enough to complete something, and others will view you as a go-getter rather than a quitter. If you talked to someone about going to a new club then actually go and see if it is something you’d enjoy rather than convincing yourself beforehand that it wouldn’t be for you. If you decided to start a gym plan, set in place a proper schedule and get others around you to motivate you to keep pushing forward. I guarantee that looking back on the things you followed through on will make you smile. It has for me, and I’d like to replicate that as much as possible.

Learning. The things you can learn from following through with what you have started is invaluable. Life is all about trying new things and learning from those experiences. Sometimes loss and failure are the best teachers for learning too so don’t be afraid to put yourself in uncomfortable situations where the outcome isn’t guaranteed. Easier said than done, I know, trust me, but the more you experience it the easier it gets.

As for how I’ve been working towards following through with my own work, it is actually quite simple. I have become a pro at keeping my calendar organized. A whole blog can be written about calendars and such, but I’ll keep things simple for now. I have always kept a calendar for different events and such going on, but I was never always on top of keeping my dates organized and having my calendar up to date. This year I decided to change all of that. My calendar is one of the first things I look at when I wake up, and one of the last things I look at before I go to sleep. As soon as I hear about a possible event too then I throw it up on the calendar and work my free time around that.

I hope this short blog has provided motivation to some of you. I know not everyone deals with this same issue, but there are definitely those out there that do. Just remember, finishing what you started leads to many great things, but two that have been most important to me are happiness and learning. Now get out there, plan something, and just DO IT.