Timothy O’Leary’s Marsh Chapel Experiment

Can’t connect with the divine? Tired of spinning with nothing to show for but dizziness? Good news! On Good Old (1962) Friday, Timothy O’Leary, a psychologist hailed by Nixon as the most dangerous man in America (he was number three, two was Kissinger), conducted a double blind experiment at Marsh Chapel, in whichone group of students received the drug psilocybin to test whether it could induce mystical experiences–and it did! Many described the experience as being transformative for their well-being and satisfaction with life. Yet it also seems that some for some the effects of the drug did not wear off, since for many it confirmed their belief in the existence of God. How should we consider mystical experiences of this type with another, described wittily by William James:

“Thesimplest rudiment of mystical experience would seem to be that deepened sense of the significance of a maxim or formula which occasionally sweeps over one.”

And lifts one high!

Learn more about the Marsh Chapel Experiment at YouTube

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