Posts by: fegoss01

Welcome Class of 2017

Every new class adds something unique to Boston University, and no where is that more obvious than the highly discussion based Core classes, where a single different perspective can lead a whole discussion off course (only in the best way possible). What exactly defines the class of 2017 though? Well we can’t know, only you […]

Computers in the Classroom

Computers are everywhere in lecture halls these days. You look up from your notes, and the girl in front of you has the slides from the lecture up on her computer and is writing notes directly next to them (far superior to a three ring notebook); the guy three rows to the front has been […]

Postcard from Prof. Eckel

Dear Zach and Rose, This is what Denali – the Great One – looks like on the rare day that it drops its veil and shows its face. An awesome sight. I hope all’s well in the Core. Warm regards, David Eckel