Tagged: odyssey

Six Quotes: Esposito on Homer

“Isn’t it amazing that the first major work of western civilization — Gilgamesh — depicts the destruction of a human city?” “Menelaus is about to kill Helen, but (smart lady), she bares her breast to him, and he throws his sword down. Some things never change.” “Calypso’s name means concealment and while Odysseus is with […]

Analects of the Core: Homer on the gods’ attention to Telemakhos

“Reason and heart will give you words, Telemakhos; and a spirit will counsel others. I should say the gods were never indifferent to your life.” – Homer, from The Odyssey Book III, lines 31-33. Translation by Robert Fitzgerald.

Analects of the Core: Homer on the father figure

Friend, let me put it in the plainest way. My mother says I am his son; I know not surely.  Who has known his own engendering? I wish at least I had some happy man as father, growing old in his house– but unknown death and silence are the fate of him that, since you […]