Laura Marris’ upcoming readings

Laura_Marris_bioWe’re so excited for Laura Marris (Poetry ’13) whose translations are forthcoming this fall!  Laura traveled to France on her Global Fellowship in 2013, where she translated a book by (and spent time with!) the Breton poet Paol Keineg.  Since then, she’s been hard at work on a few translations as well as her own poetry.  We’re happy to be spreading the word about her upcoming readings, listed below:

October 20th at 8pm, Molasses Books, Bushwick
Laura will be reading with writers/translators David Larsen, Kyle Dacuyan, and Todd Portnowitz to celebrate the release of BLOOD DARK, which she describes as “a creepy tale of patriotism gone wrong.”  Set in 1917 during WWI, it tells the story of Cripure, a failed philosopher who teaches high school ethics.   Richard Sieburth calls this character “a monstrous Ahab of the intellect suicidally in quest of his Nietzschean white whale.”  Intrigued?  Copies of the book will be on sale at the event!

October 25th at 7pm, McCormack Family Theater, Brown University
Paol Keineg and Rosmarie Waldrop will be reading with Laura to launch Triste Tristan and Other Poems, a volume they co-translated. “Triste Tristan” knits early medieval versions of “Tristan and Iseult” together with a demythologizing perspective that “takes down the pants of the lyrical tradition.” Other poems layer the landscapes of Brittany and America with meditations on history, writing, memory, and exile. These are the poems that Laura began translating on her Global Fellowship!

PrintOctober 30th at 6pm, Columbia University Maison Française (Free with RSVP required)
Christophe Boltanski will be reading from Laura’s translation of THE SAFE HOUSE, a novel about his formidable grandmother and his family’s mysterious house in Paris.

Congratulations, Laura!  Break a leg at your readings and we’re looking forward to your books!

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