Monthly Archives: December 2012

The Cutting Edge of Blade Shape Technology!

The Cutting Edge of Blade Shape Technology!

Noise and Shadow Flickers from Wind Turbines: Are There Health Effects?

Alice Ly EK132 MC Professor Grace November 28, 2012   Noise and Shadow Flickers from Wind Turbines: Are There Health Effects?   In order to live in today’s society, people need resources to power the energy they use. One of the most eco-friendly approaches is to use wind turbines to generate electricity. However, there are […]

Needed Reform in Italian Wind Energy Policy

Peter Tranoris Grace EK132 12/03/12 Italy has many opportunities available in the field of renewable energy. Its use of renewable energy sources is increasing. With large onshore and offshore wind resources, especially in southern Italy, wind energy can be a major contributor to Italian energy production. Despite growth, Italy’s wind and other renewable energy sources […]

Health Impact- the Dubiousness of Infrasonic Harm

One of the most prevalent concerns regarding the possibility of wind turbines’ effect on human health is the phenomenon of infrasound. Though infrasound is by no means a unique product of turbines but rather a product of all machinery and natural forces such as the wind or ocean, the propagation of wind turbines has been […]

Group 3 Blade Testing Analysis

Our JPEG files of our blades are for the 5.5 inch blades. Our 4 inch blades and 7 inch blades look exactly the same but one is shorter and the other is longer, respectively. EK 132 Blade Testing Blog Post

Group 4 Blade Test

Changing Blade Tip Blog Post

Group #1 Blade Testing Results

Group 1 Results Post Large Ellipse (wingspan 4 in, chord 2 in) Medium Ellipse (wingspan 5.5 in, chord 2 in) Small Ellipse (wingspan 7 in, chord 2 in) Long Rounded Ends (wingspan 7 in, chord 2 in)

EK 132 Group #2 Blade Testing Results

The link below is an example of the blade geometry: Ehrenpreis Team 2   The data that you will see displayed below is based on most variables in the system remaining constant. The constant variables in this experiment were the oval shape of the blade, the 15 degree pitch that all of the blades were […]

Do Wind Turbines Really Have An Impact on Our Health?

Keping Hua Health Impact Blog EK 132 Wind Energy Prof. Grace 11/16/2012 Wind Energy, considered to have high potential and have already realized relatively low production costs compare to other sustainable energies. However, it may be difficult to site wind turbines in some areas, due to the aesthetic or environmental reasons and might cause human […]

The Heart of Public Policy: The RPS

What are Renewable Portfolio Standards? A Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), also known as Renewable Electricity Standard or a Renewable Energy Standard, places an obligation on electricity supply companies to source a specified proportion of their electricity sales from eligible renewable energy sources. These RPS programs were created to promote the development of renewable generation technologies […]