Entrepreneur Design Contest General Meeting

Oct. 2, 4:00-5:00pm, Photonics Room 211


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RSVP for the Entrepreneur Design Contest General Meeting

We are glad to announce that the Entrepreneur Design Contest (EDC) is running once again this year. EDC was founded in 2007 and since its inception has seen much success. EDC is an excellent opportunity for students who have a business idea with a major technological aspect. Put pen to paper with the chance to win both a monetary prize and support to bring your business to the next level.

For those of you who are interested and/or not familiar with EDC come eat FREE PIZZA at the General Meeting this FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2ND at 4:00PM, ROOM PHO211.

We will explain what EDC means and how it works. EDC will bring Professionals from the business and technology industries to speak about both technical aspects and business aspects of a start-up company. It is a great way to gain skills in Business Planning, Marketing and Networking.

We encourage people who are interested in joining the EDC Organizational team to attend the meeting and we will talk to you there, or contact the EDC team.

Check out last year’s website at http://sites.google.com/site/buengedc/

This year’s website will be up shortly with information on the deadline for a brief abstract of your idea.

We look forward to sharing EDC with you this year!

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