Summer Travel Leads to Round 3

After a hectic and hot summer of travel and heat, I’m finally back at school for Round 3. When I wasn’t working for a judge at the Land Court here in Boston, I was always somewhere else: New Orleans, Philadelphia, Michigan, Maryland/Delaware, and . . . Long Island. As a side note, the Land Court handles only disputes involving real property, i.e. land,  and has statewide jurisdiction. I’m not sure if other states have a similar system. Real property cases are quite difficult, especially when they involve reading photocopies of handwritten deeds from the 1700s and 1800s to try to figure out where a maple tree existed in 1847 so that you determine the exact boundary of what is today somebody’s backyard.

He's a hungry fellow

He's a hungry fellow

The highlight of the summer, by far, was observing alligators in the swamps of Louisiana. They’re fascinating creatures and really do look other-worldly. The boat captains would feed them hot dogs and marshmallows and one even gave the alligators kisses on the nose as they came up for hot dogs….

But alas, it’s time to get back to school, studying, case books, etc. People always say you have less and less to do each year you advance in law school. Let’s just say that my schedule provides ample evidence for this theory. Hello 3L year!