Survey Madness

Although we have yet to analyze the surveys for Lesotho, we were very impressed with how thoughtfully and thoroughly they were completed. Even though comments were optional, we got some really great feedback. This was the only thing that kept us going for the last full 3 days late into the night to do all the printing and sorting (hence the lack of blog posting).

How we've spent the last 3 days and nights.

How we've spent the last 3 days and nights.

Elena and I have finally finished putting together the surveys for Swaziland. 140 pages worth of standards to rate compared to Lesotho’s 40. This took considerable reworking. Obviously, we couldn’t ask any single individual to rate all 140 pages of standards. So with a slight increase in our survey sample size (from 20 people to 90), we’ve managed to split up the standards into pieces and include both senior leadership and department heads in the rating. This also means going to all 6 hospitals in the country in order to find enough leaders. Even if every single hospital leader in the country completed their part of the survey, we would only get 12 full ratings, so we’re really hoping for high rates of return.

Otherwise, Swaziland still rocks.


John posted on June 17, 2010 at 4:53 pm

Trip Sounds Awesome. Keep sending updates and More Pictures!

Alan posted on June 18, 2010 at 8:58 am

Since when is an increase in sample size of from 20 to 90 a “slight increase.” You’ve more than quadrupled it. I’m praying for a high response rate.

It appears that you are having too much fun on this trip. It’s time to get serious about your work.

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