What’s Your Style?

Last night, at our weekly Marsh Associates meeting, we discussed the different styles of worship.  We took a quiz with multiple statements that we had to rate from 1-5 with how true it is. For example, a statement like “I feel closest to God when I am surrounded by what God has made- the mountains, the forests, the sea etc.” Then we would rate it with 1 being the least true and 5 being the most.  I was interested in the quiz but didn’t think it would affect me much. I was wrong.

Taking this simple quiz has opened my eyes to the many different types of worship there are. The different styles are:

Naturalist, sensate, caregiver, enthusiast, traditionalist, ascetics, activists, contemplative, and intellectual.

Each of those styles are a different way to worship God. Whether it be through nature, your mind, art, the senses, dance and music etc. I know it sounds silly, but for once I finally understand that going to Church and praying silently are not the only way to worship God. I scored the highest on caregiver, naturalist and enthusiast. I scored the lowest on traditionalist, intellectual, and ascetics. What does that mean? I feel closest to God when I am helping others, in nature, or singing my heart out; and not so much when I’m doing rituals, reading theological books, or praying by myself. The former are the activities that I worship God best in.  This means so much for me! I now understand that it’s ok that sitting by myself silently or trying to read an intellectual book is draining. I never feel refreshed or closer to God after that. But put me in a homeless shelter handing out meals, on a beautiful path in a forest, or jamming out to a worship song in my car, and my soul is soaring!

I think it brings God more glory and honor to worship God in a way that lifts up your heart and soul. God made you that way, and God wants you to embrace that. I feel inspired and excited to get out there and help people, or take walks in nature, or have more impromptu worship jam sessions in my apartment… and not feel guilty that I haven’t sat silently and prayed or read any intellectually stimulating theological books.

God is an exciting God, a God of surprises, and I think God is delighted to be worshiped in all the ways God created us for!  So get out there and worship in a way that makes your soul (and God’s Spirit) to soar!

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