Happy Lent

Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent.  I went to bed with a belly full of pancakes and my favorite Maple syrup after an evening of fellowship and fun.  This morning, in my normal morning text with my parents, my dad (who is a United Methodist Pastor and probably one of the silliest people ever) began the morning with a “Happy Lent” text.  This struck me.  I responded with “do people even say that?”

Lent is so often thought of as a season of deprivation.  We must sacrifice something in our lives in a theoretical effort to get closer to God.  Over the years I have tried to get creative with this, besides the usual giving up X food treat for 40 days.  One year I gave up doing my hair or make up, another year I gave up secular Music all together.  Never was I particularly excited to begin the season of lent. Rather some what melancholy.  It is a reflective season yes, but that does not mean it needs to feel like a season of depravity.

This year, I am not giving anything up.  I am adding something.  I’m changing my attitude about the season.  I want to get closer to God, and that is a bit hard if we are even the slightest bit resentful of the season.  Instead of giving up (there is no positive language for such an action) I am going to consciously set apart a chunk of my morning routine to sit in prayer.  No rushed devotion as I so often do each morning, but actual time in reflective prayer.  As it is only the first morning, I must say I feel markedly different.  Despite the stresses of school work and the million things on my to do list, I feel at peace.  Most importantly, I am excited for this season of Lent and I am excited for this journey on which I am beginning to embark.

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