Beginnings of February

Recently I started going back to the Asian American Christian Fellowship large group meetings on Thursday nights. I had night classes last semester and was unable to attend for awhile. It has been amazing to witness the group grow in size, to meet new underclassmen, and to realize the change that has come about since I joined as a freshman. During our large group last Thursday, we talked about obstacles we face in life, which was preceded by a session on the meaning of life two weeks ago. It has been helpful for me to make time to reflect on my experiences and to hear about what old and new friends are going through. I think overall I have become more confident and independent, more invested in environmental concerns. This last semester, I hope to be a better friend and build the foundation for life-long relationships. I still have trouble with time management, however, and have come to the conclusion that I must learn to let go of some things and to more efficient in working. I have been praying much more for my friends and family, and about things out of my control, which has brought a sense of hope and peace within me. I am excited for what is to come in 2018!

One Comment

neyasin posted on July 20, 2023 at 9:33 am

Your post was really good.

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