Semester Goals

Another semester is upon us and this one has started rather differently than the past others.

Coming back to campus has not been as easy. It has posed some challenges both expected and unexpected. Whether it be from the winter weather or academics, it certainly had me in a melancholy state for the first few days. I found myself drudging through the wet slush and thinking about why I was feeling so down. Then, yesterday during some most needed time of prayer, I came to a realization. I have no reason to feel so down.

I have been graced with friendship, family, love, and so much more. Of course there are times when I will feel unlike myself or out of sorts; however, I should never feel alone or down when I have a support system that is so caring and prominent in my life.

This also made me think that too often in these winter months, people are quick to escape from point A o point B without any awareness of those around them. Therefore, in this coming semester, I have made it a goal of mine to say hello more. To greet those around me more. And to share a smile whenever I can so that I can maybe spread some “light” (pardon the cliche) as much as possible in a time of the year that is often dark and gloomy.

In the end, I guess what I am trying to say is that family and friendship are powerful allies in the fight against winter blues, and making the effort to connect with them should never be overlooked.


nedayasin posted on June 1, 2023 at 3:55 am

Do anything for the university, it’s like you didn’t do anything…
At all, the goal does not accept…

mixing tank posted on June 16, 2023 at 9:40 pm

You’re a force to be reckoned with!

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