B-BIC Grant Opportunity

The Boston Biomedical Innovation Center (B-BIC) is now accepting applications for PILOT and DRIVE grants, which support research and development of innovative devices, diagnostics, as well as therapeutics related to heart, lung, blood, and sleep. PILOT grants provide up to $50,000 for direct costs for one year, while DRIVE grants provide up to $200,000 for milestone achievements over 1½ to two years. Applicants are requested to contact their institutional site miner prior to submitting their application.

B-BIC is a grouping of academic centers, government, venture capital, non-profit organizations, and industry designed to accelerate translational research and the development of solutions that will have health, economic, and societal impact. B-BIC is one of three National Centers for Accelerated Innovations (NCAI) selected by the National Institution of Health to address the gap between discovery and invention, and commercialization.

PILOT grants support collaborative research projects that are in the early stages of pre-commercialization. This grant provides up to $50,000 for tasks that support proof of concept. That is, reproducibility experiments, testing of key elements, or early prototype development.

DRIVE grants provide investments in early-stage technologies for completion of activities that help demonstrate proof of value. This grant provides up to $200,000 for system level testing or complete prototype development. DRIVE projects also receive mentoring from a team of experts.

Both of these grants have an open call for applications; pre-proposals may be submitted at any time. For additional information please visit B-BIC.org

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