Monthly Archives: November 2013

Eat Your Vegetables

Sometimes what we know is good for us, we don’t want to do. For example, eating your vegetables — we all know the green leafy stuff is the best thing we can eat to be healthy, but aren’t french fries and ice cream so much better tasting? This semester I started using low stakes quizzes […]

Quick update

Just a quick update on an earlier post — JP Morgan and the federal government have reached a settlement of all the civil claims against the bank. As reported this morning, JP Morgan will pay $13 billion total, going to a combination of investors, struggling homeowners, and the government as a fine. Interestingly, this record-setting […]

The Feds Get Tough

The headline of this article really sums it up: After a Decade, SAC Capital Blinks. There was a time where insider trading was barely investigated, and if someone was caught the punishment was a mere slap on the wrist. The story of the lengthy and patient investigation of SAC Capital illustrates the new priorities of […]