Monthly Archives: February 2014

Dumb Starbucks

I have heard from a lot of students about “Dumb Starbucks,” and how the heck it is legal. In case you haven’t heard, some mystery person or group of persons opened a coffee shop in Los Feliz, California, and everything about it is identical to Starbucks, except the word “Dumb” appears everywhere. The FAQs sheet […]

Liar, Liar

Whenever I read about this SAC trader Matthew Martoma, my blood boils and I get really immature and want to yell things like:   Sorry. I do not really know where to begin with Mr. Martoma, so perhaps I will start at the beginning. Mr. Martoma was smart enough to get into Harvard Law School. […]

Still slightly obsessed.

I already wrote about my sort of obsession with drones. I am still obsessed, and the constant trickle of news about new uses of these unmanned aircraft is only keeping me interested. The latest use of drones? To deliver beer, of course! Check out this video from Lakemaid Beer showing its latest and greatest idea: […]