March 23
Unamuno and the Tragic Sense of Life Part 2
By Marsh Chapel
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Unamuno Lent 2025: The Tragic Sense of Life Part 2
Luke 13: 1-9
March 23, 2025
Marsh Chapel
Robert Allan Hill
We listen for the Gospel in St. Luke today. Our other gospels do not carry any of these teachings from Luke 13. Like most of the second half of the Gospel of Luke they are special to Luke. They are notoriously hard to interpret, with edgy choices for the interpreter. But given their specificity to Luke and their place within Luke, along with their absence elsewhere, we might be forgiven an inclination to give them a heartily Lukan rendering. Luke celebrates history, theology, the poor, and the church. Yes. But Luke also celebrates love, pardon, mercy, love. When he was yet a far way off, we read soon, the father saw him, saw his son, and raced headlong toward him, racing to put a ring on his finger and shoes on his feet, and hug and embrace him, and ‘love on him’ as now I understand some people say, though the odd use of the preposition in between the verb and the pronoun seems, well, odd. The Galileans are not greater sinners than others, for all the political violence and then death sent their way by Pilate. They are beloved children of God. Those on whom the natural violence inherent in gravity and the cascading violence inherent in human architectural and other error, which led to their tragic deaths, by no means means they are greater sinners than others. We may take from their tragedy for ourselves quite simply the wise admonition to straighten up and fly right, to prize our time now we have it, to seize the day. And to what end? To love, God and neighbor. To love, God and neighbor.
And there is still time. Yes, there may well come a time when it is too late. Other portions of Scripture make sure for sure we remember that. It is later than we think, as Dave Brubeck sang. But Luke has a different Gospel to announce: there is still time, there is extra time, there is more time, there is time. The kindly gardener, gently redirecting his boss, the owner of the vineyard, makes a call for mercy. A little water, a little fertilizer, a little time—a little more of each—and who knows what may come out of the ground? And if not, next year, well…You have the feeling don’t you that next year that same gardener will have another way to protect the vine. Give it just a little more time. Give it just a little more time. Your inner life, your Miguel de Unamuno life, your existential soul life, your wisdom and contemplation in life—a little water, a little nourishment, a little time, especially time, and who knows? Mercy…mercy takes time.
This is an upended story of the fig tree. From the fig tree learn its lesson. You know what it means to be a fig tree in the New Testament. It is like being a turkey in late November or like being a green beer on St Patrick’s day. You know you are going down.
People step aside when they hear that the story is about a fig tree. They step back ten feet, because they know what is coming.
Sure enough, at least at the outset, doom descends. In stomps the
The owner. Stomp, stomp, stomp. Fee fie foe fum. Yes, we know what is coming. I have seen this lousy, lazy, no good, flee bitten moth eaten, barren, fruitless, faithless, heartless, ruthless fig tree for three years, and nothing. Where is the fruit? Where is the beef? Show me the money! Yes, we have a sinking feeling about the old fig tree, having heard a sermon or three. Is there not fruit? And here it comes… Cut it down, throw it in the fire, off with their heads.
And in the other Gospels, that is that. One dead fig tree, and let it be a warning to us. I came not to bring peace but a sword. Not a jot or a tittle will pass away. Woe to you…
Which is, of course, what makes today’s lesson so interesting. Guess what? It’s not over, at least according to Jesus in Luke 13. No, it’s not over, yet. This is the Gospel according to Yogi Berra, “It ain’t over ‘til it’s over”. With a little cunning and creativity, a little psalmist and saint in him, this lowly vinedresser says, “Well, hang on a minute…” There is something there. He sees something. Something alive, something at work, just beyond our comprehension.
Trust is what the vinedresser in our parable displays. He has a certain confidence, perhaps a confidence born of obedience to a great and loving Lord, yet still a confidence that where there is a will there is a way, no matter what the immediate corn stubble evidence suggests.
I struggle to intuit why this altered fig tree parable was so important for Luke and Luke’s struggling church. They must have had singular meaning for Luke’s church seventy years after Jesus’ death and resurrection. Perhaps, perhaps, the parable is meant to give trusting patience to those who are waiting out what scholars call the “delay of the parousia”, or the expected but not actualized return of Christ on the clouds of heaven (1 Thess. 4-5). “Give me just a little more time…” sings the gardener.
Let it be, he says. Let it be.
His is not a naïve view. No, he recognizes that there comes a time when it is too late in every venture. He recognizes that the power to kill and give life is not his own. He recognizes that human labor and human investment is required for any progress. He recognizes the messiness of manure and dailyness of water. He recognizes that trust for the future is trust, not in human wisdom, but in divine grace. He recognizes the rigid limits of nature and history. He is a realist.
But, like Unamuno, our existentialist interlocutor this Lent, and his central insight, the tragic sense of life, he trusts that there is something there, something alive, something not quite phenomenal, something just beyond our comprehension.
Maybe that his why his voice, which first found me during a Junior year abroad (for many, the best part of college), his honest exploration of tragedy in life, the tragic sense of life, and with it his non doctrinaire faith, reverberate for me more than fifty years later. As in our Holy Gospel readings this morning, for Don Miguel, God is found through love and suffering, ‘amor y sufrimiento’, and both reflect approaching death. And we, in part, because we have compassion fow what we see of ourselves in others. Compassion (Luke would shout Amen! here) is the active form this active love takes, and as we share suffering with others, we lean into, even die into, one another. We give over, give up, give out our vital energy, in whatever manner, and direct it to our neighbor.
Dag Hammarskjold put it: The anguish of loneliness brings blasts from the storm center of death: only that can be really yours which is another’s, for only what you have given, be it only in the gratitude of acceptance, is salvaged from the nothing which some day will have been your life.
You could compare his sense, his trust to a late March day when it is still winter. Yet, there is a sense, a feeling. There are geese flying past, v by v. There is a blueish tint in the evergreens. There is more light and better light. There is wind, but not with quite the bite. A light snow, maybe, like this morning. One can fairly taste the maple syrup brewing miles away. Spring is coming.
Give me just a little more time, he asks. Don’t you have the feeling that he will ask the same a year from now, if things are no different? I do. He harbors an inexplicable but crucial sense of trust that things will work out.
As a Methodist Christian, I want that trust in my heart as I see the perils and challenges of this time. I want to shout: “Give me just a little more time! Another generation, some manure and water, that is a few good preachers and a few more dollars, and you just watch the figs fall, too many to count!” I want that trust that there is something there, alive, incomprehensible, that may change the equation. I want that trust that there is something alive, incomprehensible, that may open up a different conversation (conversation that is so important, and about which more in a moment) a new way that honestly respects both the plumb line of justice and the plumb line of righteousness, as well as the historical, organizational, relational and other peculiarities of life.
And as person, a human being, stuck somewhere between regret and anxiety, I want that trust, that simple trust like those who heard beside the Syrian sea, the gracious calling of the Lord, let us like them without a word rise up and follow thee.
Our dear friend Ray Hart wrote last week, and recalled Goethe, destiny often denies us what we want in order to give us what we need.
We need some of that inexplicable trust, especially when so many things are just not normal right now. Like what?
These things are not normal…
To wield a chain saw as a threat to faithful government workers
To browbeat and humiliate the struggling leader of a war torn ally
To defund Universities’ research for the common good
To wield tariffs against close friends and neighbor countries
To loose 1600 criminal perpetrators of January 6, the near death day of American democracy
To disemploy tens of thousands of veterans without cause or process
To publicly berate by nickname a sitting female senator in the course of a coarse Presidential address
To tank the stock market on a whim and a magical view of tarrifs
To brutally cut funds for poor children abroad and school children at home
To upend decades of US foreign lpolicy, so to advantage a criminal Russian dictator
To make of 240 years of American democracy a global laughingstock
To clothe the party of Lincoln in the permanent shame of cruelty and mendacity
To intentionally make the venerable Republican Party the party of abject cruelty and idiotic mendacity
To celebrate stupidity by wicked language like ‘51st state’ in hatred of our best neighbor and ally
To foolishly equate the just need for secure borders—a country has to have borders or it is not a country—with the wanton expatriation of children and the poor
To mock the weakest among us by hatred of their gender, race, status, poverty, need and vulnerability
These things are not normal…
So, in an abnormal time, let us uncover and recover the graces of the normal. Here is one. Let us talk to one another.
Here are students, downstairs at Marsh Chapel, preparing for the Sunday service, sitting on the old pews, in eyesight of Thurman and Marsh. They are talking to each other.
Here is the choir, robing, catching a breath from practice, standing with each other before worship. They are talking to each other.
Here are the clergy, gathering ostensibly to go over the Sunday worship service outline, which they—we—know by heart. But it is encouraging and joyful to sit for a moment together. They are talking to each other.
Here are a couple of dozen people, arranged around lunch tables after worship, downstairs in the Robinson Chapel, a Chapel redesigned a few years ago to function as a multi-use, interfaith chapel. They are eating and waiting to learn about Bach. And what are they doing? They are talking to each other.
Here are some several women and men, of deep faith and lasting devotion, gathering in the narthex after worship, and there still when the Catholics begin mass at 1pm. They say, ‘have a good week’, and, ‘hope to see you soon’, and, ‘it was really good to talk for a minute’, and, ‘I wish you well for the work this week’. They are talking to each other.
Here is a group gathered up, Advent and Lent most years, before or after worship, with a kindly, bright leader, determined to read parts of the Bible, and understand them, under the portrait of Howard Thurman.
Here are four people standing the parking lot, well over an hour after church, laughing at some funny expression, some shared memory, some joke. They know each other in that shared worship, after worship, following worship, conjoined in worship way. And what are they doing? Why they are talking to each other, of course.
Mr. Wesley called conversation a ‘means of grace’. It is, when it is real, full, familiar, friendly, in person, and in the spirit. Find someone to talk to this morning.