September 26, 2013

STHSA Meeting Minutes Sept 26, 2013


Desi Sharp, MDiv ’14, vice president

Haley Jones, MDiv ’15, treasurer

Emma Escobar, MDiv ‘14

Benajmin Mead, MTS ‘14

Ky Scott, MDiv ‘16

Laura Owens, MDiv ‘15

Kourtni Brown, MDiv ‘15

Ian Boley, MDiv ‘16

Lauren Delano, MDiv ‘16

Carrie Swanson, MDiv ‘16

Jess Chicka, ThD 3rd year

Joseph Kyser, MDiv ’14, president

Kristen Redford, MDiv ’15, secretary

Ashley Anderson, MDiv/MSW ‘14

Anne Hillman, ThD 5th year

Pippa Mpunzwana, STH Staff

Tomietta Green, MDiv ‘13

Jason Blakeburn, MTS ‘14

Lauren Hickey, MDiv ‘15


Opening ritual reminds us about those who have come before us and about those whose will come after us that are impacted by our actions today.



Fliers at STHSA

Student stipend issue


Thanks to those that made the student organization modified fair such a great success!



Library Faculty Committee – The masters candidate for this committee was re-voted on because of an oversight by the president and secretary last week that left off one of the candidate’s names.  After the new vote, Ky Scott was nominated by those assembled to represent the masters students on this committee.  The faculty and previous nominee will be notified of this oversight and change.  The faculty on this committee ultimately have the final say in how they proceed.

STHSA officer voting issue

The way the instructions were worded on the STHSA election ballot asked students to only vote for representatives which would represent them (ex: only doctoral students vote for doctoral representative, only international students vote for international representative).  This was how voting was done several years ago before voting was electronic.  However, the past few years of voting have allowed everyone to vote for all positions regardless of if that position represents them or not.  Several students raised this difference in instructions and some voted for all positions anyway, while others followed the instructions, making the results skewed.

Moving forward we could:

1)   Vote to accept results as is

2)   Vote for uncontested results and re-vote for two contested elections

3)   Vote to redo entire election, all positions, that say everyone can vote for everyone.

Discussion on these options raised the concerns that

  • Some feel uncomfortable having a say for a position that won’t represent the voter
  • Some want to vote for all positions because, if you’re a regular attendee and/or officer of STHSA, these are the people we’ll be working with regularly
  • Some proposed a change to the section on voting in the by-laws that will articulate how we will expect people to vote.  Such a proposal would take effect for next school year.

Ky moved to adopt solution 2: to accept the uncontested positions and re-vote for the two contested positions in a new election.  Kourtni, Ian, and Laura seconded.  Motion passed 16-1-2.  Dates were set for the re-vote for Monday September 30 – Wednesday October 2 at 5pm.  Uncontested winners will be alerted after the re-vote as well so that all new positions come in on an even timeline.  The by-law change has been tabled until we address changes to the by-laws later in the school year.  This is typically done once a year, but we can make changes once a semester, so will discuss later this semester as to whether we will address this issue in the fall or spring.


Ashley – Mid-way through 2012-2013 year, a moratorium was made against posting fliers in STH primarily for aesthetical reasons.  Now, however, we’re in a place where no one can advertise anything except in two locked cabinets and a tiny pin board by the elevators.  The student body wants a solution for what to do while there’s no basement access as well as a spelled out approach of how to negotiate this issue.  We are empowered to say this is what we want to see and here’s our plan for doing it.  For example, plastic paper holders that can be affixed to the wall and paper be slid into them, maybe put in a 3×3 set up in the basement as well as on doors, entrances, elevator lobby, etc.  These are the same places we used to hang fliers but in a more organized manner.  Other discussion included:

  • Larger bulletin boards in more areas might be doable.
  • Plastic holders get dirty and scratched and bad looking too.
  • Somebody, for example, Ashley, could be a screener for approving fliers before they were put up.  This person could potentially also be in charge of hanging them.
  • Possibly take larger board on first floor outside deans’ suite for the time being, but ultimately need something from the basement to the 3rd floor.  The first floor board could go back to being admissions advertising when TV is installed.
  • Not unprofessional to have fliers advertising STH organizations and their events because it shows there’s an active student body.
  • Ashley and Kristen will work to draft something to send to the administration.

Student Stipend Issue

Jason – The university-wide new policy states that stipended students only get their stipends on the fourth Friday of September but that four week difference is really problematic for students who rely on stipends for upfront semester costs.  Students are concerned about what to do and also want it noted this isn’t an STH issue but a larger BU issue.  Discussion included:

1)   Put a resolution out?

2)   Administration did get rid of late fees for us but that doesn’t really help students with the up-front fees associated with each semester.

3)   Ashley – we as the gathered body could formally request that AdCab of STH could fight for us.

4)   Jason – resolution of concern for situation and appreciation for the complexity then begin organizing and taking it to other student groups in other schools.

Moving forward, those gathered agreed that a resolution to be sent to AdCab that voices appreciation and respect for the work they have done so far, and asks them to advocate on our behalf to the larger administration that a change is needed in how stipends are released.  Two documents will be drafted:  one for internal STH to work with us on this and one for graduate students at BU as a whole.   We are not yet taking for action but just saying this is a point of concern for us and asking for discussion around it.  Jason will have a draft for next week’s meeting.



Emma – Dance Salsa, Eat Salsa at 6-7:30 in Meulder Chapel on Thursday

Pippa – get more events that include dancing b/c basement big room has a dance floor


Joseph adjourns at 1:47pm

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