Monthly Archives: March 2020

Fires, Epidemics, Natural Disasters, & Higher Education

A working paper in Time of Coronavirus:  “Fires, Epidemics, Natural Disasters, & Higher Education: A Brief Sketch.”  Comments, criticisms, additional info welcome.  RECURRING THREATS TO HIGHER EDUCATION

The Once & Only 19th Amendment Centennial Course: A 2020 Blog: Women in Government Since the 19th Amendment: Elected & Appointed Offices

Week 9: This week continues our discussion of the impact of the 19th Amendment and women’s enfranchisement, this time turning from women, partisanship, and voting, to women in elected and appointed office in the century since the Amendment was ratified. What progress has been made?  This was also our second week as on online class. […]

The Once & Only 19th Amendment Centennial Course: A 2020 Blog: Women & Mass-Level Electoral Politics & Power Since the 19th Amendment

Week 8  Well, the world has changed. Spring break is over and this is the first week we worked remotely using Zoom in the new C-19 world. Thanks to all my students who were great partners in this new venture. Proud to work with them. Now that we have the 19th Amendment in place (in […]

The Once & Only 19th Amendment Centennial Course: A 2020 Blog: The Campaign for the 19th Amendment

Week 7 And finally, in week 7 of the course, we focus on the campaign for the 19th Amendment. By now it should be clear that a crucial story of the 19th Amendment is how much of the 19th-century story of the struggle for gender equality in citizenship was only indirectly related to the amendment […]

I’d Vote for a Woman, but Others Won’t So They Probably Aren’t Electable

A blast from the past article about how folks think they’re ok …. it’s everyone else. NewsfromtheFront