Homework Due February 18

1)  Prepare for a vocabulary quiz, but also make sure you remember what a SWOT analysis is, and what the story “Smoke Signals” and the video about Stealth Marketing are about.  That means, can you answer these questions?–

  • Where did the marketing company want Kim Jin Hiu to focus on expanding the market for cigarettes?  (What age group, what country, and what gender?)
  • What is stealth marketing?  Can you describe at least one example of how it works?  (What’s one product from the video, where did it happen, who was their target market, for what age group is this marketing good?)
  • In a SWOT analysis, describe one strength of an iPhone, one weakness, one opportunity, and one threat.  (The strengths and weaknesses are descriptions of the phone.  The opportunities and threats are iPhones compared to other companies with a similar product.)

Email me if you have questions.

2) Use your textbook (that cost too much!) to answer these questions:  P.9 Part C, D, E, F.  Please print your answers.

3)  Think about your product for the commercial project.  If you aren’t excited about it, create another one.  In business, they say, “Don’t waste time on a bad product! “  It should be something that you can demonstrate in a commercial and that you can have fun working with.

4)  I hope you all got home safely and are now dry and warm.  Happy Valentines’ Day tomorrow!  Have a good weekend.