2012 BMES Conference October 24-27

We have successfully obtained funding from SAO to subsidize the cost of the trip to the Annual BMES Conference in Atlanta. We have four slots available for AEMB members (not including the e-board) and need to know who is interested immediately; bookings and registration need to be made by September!! Please read the details below if you are interested and respond.

The conference is an awesome way to meet fellow BME students, professors, and industry members. There are a number of lectures, workshops, and other events. We are also planning to volunteer to save more money; this means we will help out with things like registration and collecting tickets. You can learn more about it at:


Here’s a breakdown of the funding:

Estimated trip cost: $1,000/person
SAO Funding: – $250/person
BMES Volunteer Opportunity: -$125/person
Expected ENG/BME Funding: -$200/person
Self contribution: $425/person

If this sounds like something you are interested in, please let us know as soon as possible – it is not a commitment yet until we have the bookings. Our email is aemb@bu.edu.

Additionally, AEMB members who are seeking leadership opportunities at the national level can apply for AEMB National Officer Positions! Becoming an officer at the national level will greatly enhance your leadership skills, people-management skills as well as provide a plethora of networking opportunities. We strongly encourage and support any member who would be interested in running for a national officer position! Please see the AEMB election application form and let us know if you are planning to apply!

One Comment

Herb Voigt posted on September 10, 2012 at 10:53 am

Congratulations on obtaining this funding! Look to AEMB for some additional funding sources.

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