Online Student Spotlight – UDCP

My name is Dedeb_d1b Dangelo and I will soon be finishing up my Bachelor of Liberal Studies in Interdisciplinary Studies as part of BU’s online Undergrad Degree Completion Program. I was fortunate to attend 2010 Commencement where I finally met some of my classmates face to face—it was a real thrill for me. I am actually planning to pursue a Master’s Degree in Finance online from Boston University as well — my application’s already in!

In my spare time I love to cook and spend quality time with my husband, Jack, friends, and family. My family aIMG_0659lso consists of three dogs—Jerry Lee, Sunny, and Gracie—as well as a crow, Eddie Van Raven, who loves to eat mild cheddar cheese!  I am breast cancer survivor and am deeplypinkpower committed to raising awareness. I have had the honor of being a part of several Brighton Power of Pink national campaigns for breast cancer awareness.

Being a UDCP student has taught me so much. It’s really a 21st century education which will make it possible for each of us to compete in a unique environment that many are not familiar with. My experience has been great. In our online classes I got to actually engage in the work with so many people from all around the country and around the globe whom I got to meet and know intimately.

Many of my classmates now feel like old friends. Meeting them in person was magical and fantastic—we all have this connection that has bonded us for life. I am looking forward to continuing my connections with my classmates at other BU events in the future.


sharonr posted on July 11, 2010 at 3:15 am

Congrats Deb!

Brenda posted on August 20, 2010 at 10:18 am

Hey Deb! I am two days ahead from joining you as an official alum. The program is still jam packed with great people, but I definitely missed you, my friend. You bring sunshine wherever you go. Thank you for all your encouragement throughout the last two and a half years. And goodluck – I am so proud of you marching on toward your Masters! I can’t wait to go to your next commencement:) Take care, Brenda

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