On the ninth day of BU, weather.com gave to me…


…super cute (and cheap!) holiday panties!

…So much free coffeeeeeeeeee!

…Some hope that I’ll be okay.
…a HILARIOUS finals freakout
…an epic night at Tequila Rain
…FREE Sunset Nachos
and suuuupperr cheap massages!

Hey Terriers –

I’m sure a lot of you are in Mugar, and haven’t stepped foot outside in a few days, but I just thought you all should know that there is a 20% CHANCE THAT IT WILL SNOW TOMORROW NIGHT.

YES! YES! YES! Sledding, and snowmen, and snowballs...all within my grasp...

YES! YES! YES! Sledding, and snowmen, and snowballs...all within my grasp...

If you’re like me, you’ve been bemoaning the lack of snow (and the accompanying festive holiday look it brings) for a few weeks now. If you’re not like me, you’re thinking I’m nuts  and a winter-loving masochist.  (That might be sort of true.)

I know it’s not much but hey! It’s the highest percent chance of snow we’ve had since….well, since Halloween.

Keep your heads up, Terriers, keep studying, and watch out for those flakes!!!


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