First Annual EWB-BU Book Sale
EWB-BU is excited to announce the First Annual EWB-BU Book Sale! We invite all BU engineering students to visit the Photonics second floor lobby on January 16th, where we will be reselling Engineering and Science related books for BU Classes. If you would like to contribute, we ask that you donate a percentage of your book’s sale to EWB-BU and we will sell your books for you. Due to limitations, this event is cash only. We will be collecting books before the event, between 10:00-12:00 and returning unsold books and profits to contributers after the event between 6:00-8:00pm.
Who: Engineers Without Borders at Boston University
What: Annual Engineering Book Sale
When: January 16th, 2008 at 12:30 (earlier if you would like contribute)
Where: 8 Saint Mary’s St, Second floor lobby (Photonics)
Why: Primarily a fundraiser for EWB-BU, but this book sale will get rid of old text books and give you money to purchase books for next semester.
We hope to see you there!