
You are currently browsing the Engineers Without Borders at Boston University blog archives for January, 2013.



The Global Nature of EWB

By ewbexec

Making a profound impact in today’s developing world takes more than just one skill set, but rather  the collaboration between groups to achieve success. In his book “The World is Flat”, Thomas  Friedman vehemently claims that the world is smooth and the playing field of the world’s different  countries has been flattened to a one-dimensional plane. Of course, this is just a metaphor to explain  the global mechanism of today’s developing world in the twenty first century. Now are the days of  increased competition for resources and knowledge. With that must come interpersonal connections  and collaborations for optimal success.

The nature of Engineers Without Borders maintains a principle of multidisciplinary teamwork. Especially in our chapter at Boston University, we collaborate with a wide range of students, ranging from English majors to health professionals and mechanical engineers. As we look to make an impact on the world, currently focusing our efforts on the community of Naluja in Zambia, we must collaborate. However, the interactions do not stop here. As we move towards our goals of fulfilling humanitarian work, we must build even more “bridges” in this flattened world. Our partners in Naluja have become some of our closest allies in helping us achieve and implement our models for sustainability.

Moreover, donators and philanthropic sources are another set of people to whom we feel close to and must maintain relationships with. In order to successfully implement our projects, our multidisciplinary knowledge is not enough. The funds are needed to help us achieve and actualize our goals. As we have been discussing for the past month, the Year-End Campaign for EWB is a fantastic way for any person to become a philanthropist and take action to be part of EWB-BU’s success and change in the world. Any new teammates would be greatly appreciated, so if you are interested please check out our Year-End Campaign website. Our mind set is not limited in scope, but rather comprehensive and universal in nature as we strive to help native people ameliorate the lifestyle of their communities around the world. We are all global engineers that should unify and collectively, through collaborations, make a positive change.