Help your Resume and get a PDU at the same time!

PMI Austin is hosting a free event on 8-July-2021, 5:30 to 6:30PM (BOSTON TIME).  Sign up here:

Description below:

Presentation Title: Resume Building: Insider Tips and Tricks

This workshop will help you build a professional, clear, and concise resume optimized for any recruitment software and applicant tracking system. We will discuss proper formatting, how to tailor your resume to any job description, keyword usage, and more! Come prepared to take notes and ask questions to get your resume seen by real recruiters and pass the sneaky digital roadblocks of modern-day applicant systems!


  • How to express the best skills of a person in concise formatting
  • Utilize language to best peak interest of the person and software reading/analyzing the resume.
  • Learn how Applicant Tracking Systems accept or decline your resume based on certain criteria

Key Takeways:

  • For participants to have mindfulness when creating specific resumes for positions, how to relevantly express experience on paper, learn keywords that recruiters and ATS systems use to find the right match.

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