Category Archives: Uncategorized

PMI’s Student Summit Available for Replay


PMI’s annual Virtual Student Summit from 2019 is now available for free, via replay.  A note in advance: you will need to disable your pop-up blocker to view it properly.


Check out in particular Session 4: “Career Advice from Emerging Professionals in PM“, in which you can hear from project managers who have a couple of years of experience and you can learn from their first PM assignments.


These young PM professionals from all over the world will share their ‘mistakes’ with you – maybe you can avoid them (the mistakes, not the young professionals).

Sign up by clicking here.


A new course: Project Value Strategies, AD782


I'm very excited about a new course being developed called Project Value Strategies.

Here's the description:

This course will introduce students to Project Value – a unique perspective on classical Project Management that is focused on assuring that a project delivers value that is aligned with the mission, vision, and values of an organization. This increasingly popular framework with which to view projects and project management strategically is derived from current research, standards, and thought leadership from PMI and other international bodies.

 Students will learn how to create and measure value in projects even in today’s disruptive, turbulent environment, using recently-introduced schema. They will learn how to apply the framework of benefits realization management (BRM) and to use recognized and emerging tools to manage a portfolio of programs and projects strategically with an aim of sustainable project value.  Value in Agile projects will be discussed.  The element of the Triple Bottom Line and a focus on sustainability covered.  Case studies and real life experiences, illustrated with guest lectures from academics and portfolio/program/project/PMO practitioners, will be intertwined with current research in project and value management.

I'll be teaching this course for its first appearance this Fall on Wednesdays, 2:30 to 5:15PM.

It does have prerequisites (AD642) and will be for the more advanced PM students.

Are you one?

Join me, won't you?

Welcome to my blog

I hope to make your visit to this site productive and interesting.  I'll blog from time to time but will mainly be updating the main pages (above, just under the red headline, in black).

You can leave comments here.

