Archive for December, 2013

December 4

Rhetts Bowl 2013!

By BU Gymnastics Club

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We are only a few days away from our home meet, Rhetts Bowl 2013, on Saturday, December 7th!

Gymnastics & More in Woburn, MA kindly let us use their fully equipped Gym to host our 2nd annual home meet. Here are the details:

Date: Saturday Dec. 7th, 2013
Location: Gymnastics & More; 8 Micro Drive, Woburn, MA 01801
Time: 2:00PM

Seven teams from around the New England area will be coming out for some friendly competition. Here are the teams attending:

Syracuse University
University of Southern Maine
Sacred Heart University
Institute of Technology
University of Pennsylvania
University of Vermont

 Can’t make it out to support us?

You can now track the scores live as they come out on Saturday using the Beyond the Scores app that you can download for free here. Go to the competitions tab and search for both the mens and women’s Rhett’s Bowl Competition on December 7th. The scores will be updated regularily so you can follow along with us at home!


Don’t forget to follow us on instagramtwitter, and facebook for more updates!