
Cricket Ball Reaction App

Problem: As a batsman picking deliveries from a bowlers hand requires tremendous focus and can be challenging while dealing with other factors such as fielders, batting stance and score.

Solution: For those new to the game or looking to sharpen their reflexes this app shows an image from a Batsman’s point of view and the user has to tap the delivery name.  By building muscle memory of the different deliveries batsmen can react faster in the match.


  1.  Gathered pictures of common spin and pace deliveries and create an array with their names.
  2.  Created basic HTML page with a timer, the image, button to toggle between spin and pace, and buttons for choosing the delivery name.
  3. Used JavaScript to change image if the correct button is pressed and keep track of time and a counter of number of correct and incorrect selections.

Next Steps:

  1. Clean up look with bootstrap
  2. Add two other modes where the user has to match deliveries to an image of the ball path, and deliveries with batting position (front foot, defense, backfoot).

learningApp – A flashcard game built using React MYSQL






Web Development Bootcamp by Colt Steele review


Part One Non YelpCamp Material

This is an unbiased and unpaid review for this course on Udemy.

My thoughts on who should take it and how they should go about it.

This course is probably best for people who have never coded before but I would also recommend high schoolers interested in pursuing Computer Science to use this to get a head start.


Creating a Portfolio Landing Page with Bootstrap 4 and Firebase


Home page

Home page nav bar

Problem: I can post my projects on this WordPress blog, but it isn’t fully customizable because the features are limited by the university’s settings.  

Solution: I’ll create a static landing page that allows me to customize the appearance of my portfolio site while still using the WordPress to host my projects. I’ll be using the Bootstrap 4 framework for styling and firebase to host this static landing page.  



Screenshots of the store's home and order screens

Problem: Small businesses in the restaurant and grocery industries as well as food banks do not have the luxury of using popular food pickup and delivery apps due to the high service fees the apps charge.

With the ongoing pandemic it is important to provide a low cost simple solution that can be utilized by charities, small businesses and even schools looking to provide bagged lunches for students. 

Solution: By using low cost tools provided by AWS and Expo for cross platform development, order management becomes cheaper with the pickUPapp.

This app allows stores to enter and update the status of a customer's order which the customer can track on their mobile device.




am design


Project Background:

This was my senior capstone project at Boston University. There were five group members including myself. My specific contributions were building the React Native App, creating the Amazon Cloud Services backend, creating the final release on GitHub, and drafting the documentation for the client handover. This project won a Design Excellence award on ECE day 2020.

I would like to thank:

  • my group members: Aixa, Andrea, Dennis, and Zami
  • Professor Hirsch, Professor Osama, and Professor Pisano for guidance
  • Our client: Cambridge Consultants



FitBit Versa Security Analysis



Raspberry Pi Network Attached Storage


(Fall 2018)

Project Goal:

To create a Raspberry Pi Network Attached Storage Drive. This project was made for a Computer Networking class. 


  • The NAS would be used in the students dorm room to hold files and students can place large files such as school work, backups and music on the drive. 
  • It would be cheaper than getting a cloud subscription to amazon

Automated Pill Dispenser

PD1 (3) PD2 PD3

(Spring 2018)

Problem Statement:

To create a user-friendly pill dispenser that will dispense pills at necessary times, alert the patient to take them, and relay this information with the patient’s caregiver.


Wealth Factor: A Financial Portfolio Android App



(Fall 2017)

Project Description

For a Software Engineering class 3 students and I decided to make an Android App called "Wealth Factor". The App was not released to the Play Store, but the group was able to successfully run the app on a virtual Android device. The investment algorithm is based on formulas from the book:

Bodie, Zvi, et al. Essentials of Investments. McGraw-Hill Education, 2016.