
Cricket Ball Reaction App

Problem: As a batsman picking deliveries from a bowlers hand requires tremendous focus and can be challenging while dealing with other factors such as fielders, batting stance and score.

Solution: For those new to the game or looking to sharpen their reflexes this app shows an image from a Batsman’s point of view and the user has to tap the delivery name.  By building muscle memory of the different deliveries batsmen can react faster in the match.


  1.  Gathered pictures of common spin and pace deliveries and create an array with their names.
  2.  Created basic HTML page with a timer, the image, button to toggle between spin and pace, and buttons for choosing the delivery name.
  3. Used JavaScript to change image if the correct button is pressed and keep track of time and a counter of number of correct and incorrect selections.

Next Steps:

  1. Clean up look with bootstrap
  2. Add two other modes where the user has to match deliveries to an image of the ball path, and deliveries with batting position (front foot, defense, backfoot).