
Web Development Bootcamp by Colt Steele review


Part One Non YelpCamp Material

This is an unbiased and unpaid review for this course on Udemy.

My thoughts on who should take it and how they should go about it.

This course is probably best for people who have never coded before but I would also recommend high schoolers interested in pursuing Computer Science to use this to get a head start.

The course “costs” $120 but it can be found on sale for every few weeks for $10-$20 which is a much better value.

Although some people would point out all the material from the course can be found in free YouTube tutorials, I think having everything presented in an organized manner and in one place is worth paying the discounted price. The course was redone in 2021 so that it utilizes Bootstrap 4, newer VS Code extensions, and new NPM packages.

The best place to start is opening up the courses’ public Trello board and seeing the list of sections and the topics that will be discussed in each section.

The Trello board organizes the key topics of each chapter.
The Trello board organizes the key topics of each chapter.

The next resource I recommend keeping open is the notes taken and listed under “legacy content”. They were taken by a previous student and you can highlight and add to it as you go through the course yourself.

I watch the videos on 2x the speed and then go back attempt the coding exercises in the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript sections.

For the Mongo, express, and node.js sections I watched all the videos first and then read through the provided code for each section adding comments to the files for my own understanding. That way when I start the YelpCamp project, I can reference the code snippets.

There will be a separate post about the YelpCamp project.