Saksraar Men Essential Oil-Penis Enlargement

Saksraar Men Essential Oil-Penis Enlargement

It is very important for men to have a healthy and long sex life. This is because sex is an important part of our life, and it can make you feel better and happier. However, many men are facing problems related to their sexual performance. They are not able to satisfy their partners in bed or have a good time with them.

Saksraar Men Essential Oil-Penis Enlargement helps in increasing the size of your penis, which will help you have good sex with your partner. This product also helps in providing you with energy so that you can perform well in bed and satisfy your partner completely.

2019 SAKSRAAR Gold Massage Oil is based on the 2015 SAKSRAAR Massage Oil production process upgraded and developed, in the production process of the implementation of the [makeup] standard, in the product segmentation belongs to the [cosmetics – massage oil] classification.

Function principle: SAKSRAAR Gold Massage Oil through high-tech water distillation method to extract the effective substances in the oil-soluble ingredients extracted and generated, SAKSRAAR massage oil through finger massage to achieve effective substances to penetrate the penis and testicular capillaries and veins of the inner layer of the skin, and constantly penetrate the testicles and spongy core location, to achieve nourishing men’s testicles and penis sponge tissue, improve It activates the decaying cells of the spongy tissue caused by masturbation, excessive intercourse, natural short impotence and premature ejaculation, as well as underwear bondage, giving men youthful vitality and improving the problems of short pubic period, premature ejaculation and weak erection.

Ingredients of SAKSRAAR massage oil

  1. jasmine essential oil: jasmine oil is known as the “king of essential oils”. The production of jasmine oil is very small and therefore very expensive, and it has an elegant smell, 8 million flowers to extract 1 kg of essential oil

In China, India, and some Arab countries have been used in herbal medicine treatment to restore energy, excitement and improve immunity. Jasmine essential oil is one of the biggest advantages of SAKSRAAR massage oil from other similar products, to promote the absorption of other active substances, active SAKSRAAR massage oil all the active ingredients of the effect.

  1. Sandalwood essential oil: suitable for aging, dry and dehydrated skin, can lighten scars, fine lines, moisturize the skin, prevent wrinkles; with calming qualities, can calm nervous tension and anxiety, make people relax; with aphrodisiac properties, efficient tonic kidney, relax the nerves, improve sexual indifference.
  2. Epimedium: Mainly regulates lumbar and knee pain, erectile dysfunction. The whole herb of Epimedium is used for medicinal purposes. Mainly for impotence and premature ejaculation, lumbar pain, numbness of the limbs, neurasthenia, forgetfulness, tinnitus, dizziness, etc.

Epimedium is pungent, sweet and warm, and goes through the liver and kidney meridians. It is an important medicine for nourishing the vital gate, benefiting the essence, strengthening the muscles and bones, and tonifying the kidneys and strengthening the yang, and is often used clinically to treat impotence, premature ejaculation, urinary incontinence in men and infertility in women.

Modern research shows that Epimedium contains Epimedium glycosides, volatile oil, wax alcohol, phytosterols, tannins, vitamin E and other components. It can stimulate sexual function and promote semen secretion in animals. Pharmacological experimental research shows that Epimedium can increase cardiovascular blood flow, promote hematopoietic function, immune function and bone metabolism, and has anti-aging and anti-tumor effects.

4 . Lock Yang extract, which we also call Lock Yang extract, is used for: tonifying kidney yang, benefiting essence and blood, moistening and relaxing the bowels for impotence of the waist and knees, impotence and spermatorrhea, intestinal dryness and constipation.

  1. Powdered leek seeds: commonly used with the pairing of Epimedium to achieve the effect of tonifying the kidney and benefiting essence, nourishing Yin and Yang, nourishing the liver and brightening the eyes, aphrodisiac prevention of premature ejaculation, fixing sperm and stopping spermatorrhea.
  2. extract camellia seed oil (camellia seed extract): Chinese medicine recognized as a strong . Strength agent, has the effect of blood, laxative, and the efficacy of the body, contains unsaturated fatty acids, known as a vitamin to prevent aging, to improve blood circulation, capillaries of the penis to unblock and activate, and promote blood circulation.
  3. Ginseng seed oil has a two-way regulating effect on the central nervous system, while it contains ginseng seed saponins (dai), which can promote the secretion of sex hormones, promote the synthesis of DNA and protein in testicular cells, activate sex-dynamic nerves, prolong the sexual cycle, and prolong menopausal sexual apathy. It can also help to solve impotence and weakness, quickly eliminate fatigue, restore energy, improve concentration, and provide rapid erection in the state of sexual stimulation, solving “impotence and weakness” and improving immune function “Ginseng seeds” can activate the body’s immune system, promote the development of immune organs, repair cellular functions, and prevent lesions. Repairing cell function, preventing lesions and tumors. Suppress premature ejaculation and spermatorrhea Calm the mind and relieve depression, improve the body’s own healing ability and enhance self-control, which can effectively suppress premature ejaculation and spermatorrhea. Nourishing the internal organs “Ginseng seeds” can activate the bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells in the human body, essentially activating the “source” of blood production. It nourishes the internal organs, promotes hormone secretion, anti-aging and skin care. It can also promote the formation of nerve growth factor, improve sleep, brain enlightenment, clear thinking, memory enhancement, and energy.

SAKSRAAR massage oil for people (SAKSRAAR Gold Men’s private care massage oil function)

① SAKSRAAR Gold Men’s Private Care Massage Oil is suitable for men with short penis, slow erection, shrunken penis, or congenital penile dysplasia caused by excessive masturbation.

② SAKSRAAR Gold Men’s Private Care Massage Oil is suitable for the repair and nourishment of post-circumcision patients with the aim of improving ejaculation time. In post-circumcision patients, the coronal sulcus is still in a very sensitive and fragile stage, which needs to be repaired with SAKSRAAR Men’s Private Care Massage Oil to reach normal human level. Such patients are recommended to focus on massaging the coronal area and be prepared for long-term use. After all, it takes cycles to repair the abnormal coronal sulcus to normal human level.

③ SAKSRAAR Gold Men’s Private Care Massage Oil is suitable for men with impotence, premature ejaculation, weak erection, low staying power, weak ejaculation, intercourse time less than 15-20 minutes and want to extend the time.

④ SAKSRAAR Gold Men’s Private Care Massage Oil is suitable for men who are sexually indifferent, have a stressful job, stay up late, drink heavily, which leads to disharmony in the couple’s life and desire to live a sexually happy life.

⑤ SAKSRAAR Gold Men’s Private Care Massage Oil adapts to men who take long-term (Viagra) fear of dependence, fear of side effects, or who take long-term Chinese medicine for kidney supplementation with poor results.

⑥ SAKSRAAR Gold Men’s Private Care Massage Oil is suitable for drivers, office workers and other men who suffer from scrotal dampness and sweating caused by prolonged sitting.

(7) SAKSRAAR Gold Men’s Private Care Massage Oil is suitable for people with frequent back pain and kidney deficiency, both men and women can massage the kidney.

SAKSRAAR massage oil use how to use

① Before smearing SAKSRAAR Men’s Private Care Massage Oil, first wash the penis and testicles with warm water, one is to avoid the previous oil affects the absorption, the second is that hot water can accelerate blood circulation and help better absorption.

② Take 15-20 drops of SAKSRAAR massage oil each time [can be divided into 3-4 times, about 3 drops each time] and apply to the penis sponge tissue and testicles (try to avoid the urethral opening) massage for 10-30 minutes, until absorbed, once / day, (no water within three hours, do not recommend intercourse), the night of oil application is also recommended not to do intercourse, so that the penis get sufficient rest.

③ The coronal groove is the most sensitive, the oil should focus on massage.

SAKSRAAR massage oil use precautions.

① during the use of SAKSRAAR massage oil, less smoking, no alcohol, do not stay up late, keep a light diet. If conditions allow, buy a can of glucose, drink a few cups every day, is to help the absorption of essential oils

② During the period of using SAKSRAAR massage oil, with appropriate physical exercise every day, such as running, playing ball, etc., to help detoxification, absorption, focusing on strengthening physical fitness, endurance.

③ with SAKSRAAR massage oil during the period, appropriate control of the number of sexual life, prohibit masturbation, so that the penis to get sufficient rest. Try to make the pubic meridian erect or semi-erect when applying oil, so as to facilitate the application of oil, the coronal sulcus focus on massage, try to massage for a while after applying oil, do not get wet within 3 hours of applying oil, the night of oil application is not recommended for intercourse, if you must, apply oil after intercourse.

④ with SAKSRAAR massage oil during the heart + persistence is a necessary factor for the success of anything, do not fish for three days and two days, kung fu is not afraid of people with a heart.

⑤ After using SAKSRAAR massage oil for a period of time, a small number of male friends will enter the stage of pseudo-impotence, depending on the absorption capacity of each person, will last from 10-30 days, do not worry about the period, this is SAKSRAAR massage oil in the detoxification and repair phase for you, does not affect intercourse. After this stage will be fine

⑥ Massage oil needs to be applied in the erect or semi-erect state of the pubic period, so many people will use massage oil when they can not control and ejaculate, which is our strict avoidance. This is because because of psychosexual problems caused by the client must be allowed to control the speed of massage, you can massage force heavier, but the speed should not be fast. Do not masturbate to massage. In addition to emptying the mind, the heart of the therapeutic thinking, not masturbation thinking. Don’t associate the content or imagination about sex.

(7) For clients who need to improve their premature ejaculation, focus on massaging the coronal groove area.

Summary: SAKSRAAR massage oil increase enlargement increase hard principle, about SAKSRAAR massage oil, I think there is a problem, we can not avoid, is that many consumers will ask us, after using SAKSRAAR massage oil, can increase the thickness of enlargement how much, I do an answer here.

First: each physique varies from person to person, can not determine where the core cause of the consumer’s short impotence, we can not guarantee this number, even if we know the cause of the ultimate short impotence, we can not guarantee, because each person’s absorption, physique, use methods, lifestyle habits and other factors, and ultimately can not be determined. This is like we do SAKSRAAR agent, before joining we all love to ask: I do SAKSRAAR how much money I can earn a year, in fact, who can earn how much money with SAKSRAAR is only one of the relationship: the most core problem out of our own degree of effort how, learning ability, comprehension, execution ability and so on.

Second: For adults, the penis itself is actually very difficult to grow twice, so we elaborate with consumers before the effect of our products, we must clarify a problem is the male

The principle of penile erection: the male penis is stimulated to relax in a short period of time, rapid blood filling, the blood infusion to the veins in the spongy body until the pressure rises to a certain limit, the penis spongy body filled with blood will hold up the penis, so that the penis becomes hard and long, after the penis erection, men can have a normal sex life. As we all know, men’s penis is particularly elastic, the common expression is that it can be large or small, we pursue the product function is to trace the source of the spongy body and the fundamental body to promote the erection of the spongy body: the veins within the spongy body!

Men’s penis spongy body and testicles through the massage oil nourishment, essential oil effective substances deep inside the spongy body, repair the metabolic cells of the spongy body as well as promote the growth of new cells, promote the spongy body more dynamic and powerful, deeper absorption to the spongy body of the veins, promote the metabolism and power of the veins and blood vessels filling, the power of the veins and blood vessels increase, the accumulation of waste metabolism out of the body, promote blood flow, promote The thickening of the walls of the venous blood vessels.

in summary: the secondary growth of the cells of the penile corpus cavernosum and the thickening of the walls of the venous vessels, indirectly achieve a stronger erection of the penis, which is what we call thickening enlargement and hardening, this function is caused by the special structure of the penis. This function is caused by the special structure of the penis. It is not the direct enlargement and thickening of the penis organism that we imagine, but the secondary metabolism of the internal structure of the penis, which results in a more erect penis.