Physical effects of alcoholism; overview of detox process

Waiter serving wine for alcoholics.

Waiter serving wine

Alcohol is the most widely-used drug in the world. More than two million people die each year due to their alcohol addiction, according to the World Health Organization. Nonetheless, in movies and television shows, alcohol is frequently portrayed as an integral part of any fun party, along with silly mistakes and great memories. However, drinking easily spins out of control. Ask people who have gone through alcohol addiction or witnessed their loved ones suffer from substance abuse, and they will tell you that there is nothing fun about alcohol.


Understanding the danger of alcohol

It is no secret that drinking is associated with both short-term and long-term health consequences. It is critical to deal with alcohol addiction as soon as possible – while drinking cause certain diseases to develop, it also leads to accidents and violent attacks, which puts the lives of other people at risk. This post will describe some of the physical and mental effects of alcoholism and how to bring the body back to a healthy state of being.

Short-term effects of alcohol

Family making fresh fruit juice together

Family making fresh fruit juice together

Most adults won’t experience significant side effects from one or two servings of alcohol a day. The safe level of consumption differs for each person depending on the individual’s weight, height, and whether he or she consumes alcohol on an empty stomach. Short-term effects appear after alcohol consumption rises above that safe level. While these effects may be pleasant, they result in lowered reflexes, poor coordination, and in general, a slowing down of activity of the brain. Longer, but not complete, a list of short-term effects of alcohol includes slurred speech, vomiting, upset stomach, diarrhea, headaches, distorted vision and hearing, impaired judgment, decreased perception and coordination, drowsiness, anemia (loss of red blood cells), memory lapses and unconsciousness.

Long-term effects of alcohol

Alcohol-damaged liver cells allow the excess of harmful byproducts to enter the brain, thus damaging the brain cells while also slowing the growth of the new ones, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Ultimately, it will lead to blurred vision, slurred speech, slowed reaction, impaired memory, and difficulties in walking. For a person who drinks heavily over an extended period, these side effects will remain long after he or she achieves sobriety.

Brain cell damage also causes changes in sleep patterns, mood, and personality, and can lead to psychiatric conditions such as anxiety, depression and severe cognitive effects such as shortened attention span, problems with coordination and shaking hands.

Withdrawal Treatment for Alcohol Addiction

Today, there are many alcohol addiction treatment centers to help in recovery and get an addict back to a healthy and fulfilling life.

Healthy young girl getting quality nutrition and recovery from alcohol addiction.

Those addicted to alcohol suffer malnutrition (nutrition deprivation). Nutrition serves two main purposes: it provides energy and maintains body function as well as keeps it in good shape. To get nutrition from the food, body needs to digest it. However, alcohol prevents the body from properly absorbing, digesting and using the nutrients. As a result, alcoholics frequently experience deficiencies in protein and essential for the body vitamins, which ultimately leads to a liver disease and other serious alcohol-related disorders.

Vitamin therapy involves high doses of essential vitamins, a process which helps the body to regain basic functions. Vitamin therapy does not only addresses malnutrition and its side effects, but it also helps the alcohol abusers to approach the recovery process with a more solid foundation.

While the alcohol detox process is safe, it causes intense withdrawal symptoms, including shaking and tremors, nausea, vomiting, sweating, anxiety, irritability and difficulty eating and sleeping. That is why it is important to have medical supervision during the recovery process.

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