Posts by: ahbossi

Final Exams

I’ve never been in a situation where my entire grade was based on one exam and where my exam grades purportedly play a large role in the quality and quantity of job interviews (for my summer ‘09 job) I will get in the ensuing six to nine months. To help avert a mental breakdown in […]

Spring Break in New Orleans

BU has a fantastic spring break program that sends twenty students to New Orleans, all expenses paid (except for food and beer!), to volunteer with different legal organizations providing aid for the ongoing Hurricane Katrina caused crises. I went this year. The most concise way to sum it up; the French Quarter of New Orleans […]

Oo Law school?! That’s a lot of work!

Yes it is a lot of work and everyone seemed to find it necessary to remind me of that every day while I searched for schools. It was usually accompanied by a “you’re screwed and you don’t even know it yet” type of look complete with smirk, surprised eyebrows and subtle “no” head shake. Back […]