Posts by: narodick

“It’s All Downhill From Here.”

There are a series of maxims you hear while going through your first year of law school. These are gems like: “The first year of law school is like 33% of the time but 80% of the effort.” “Oh man, 2L year is so easy! All you do is interview.” “I don’t mind putting the […]

Random Thought of the Day

When you’re standing in front of a urinal looking out the window, and the bathroom is on the 15th Floor of the BU Law Tower, you feel really really tall.

Life isn’t fair. Or just.

Some of you might have caught this on your local sports news broadcast this week. With time running out in the 4th quarter, a college football quarterback finishes a potentially game-tying drive by scrambling from the two yard line and outrunning his pursuers across the goal line. Out of excitement, the player tosses the ball […]

“Good luck with your layoffs, all right? I hope your firings go really well.”

So, some of you might have noticed that there have been some “corrections” in the American economy. With those “adjustments” come certain decreases in the demand for new entries in the work force. This has the potential to discourage those in highly skilled industries with demanding educational requirements as what was once a limited and […]

Dog Days

I have never been a summer person. I was pretty much a giant nerd up through middle school, and summer meant heat and bad TV without teachers validating my existence. I played football in high school, so summer meant hours out in the middle of a football field being knocked around by sweaty 300 pounders, […]

Contact Info

I forgot to put this up earlier… if you have any questions at all, comments, criticism, or interesting haikus, please feel free to send them to me at narodick [at] bu [dot] edu.

Rule #3 – If someone says stop, goes limp, taps out… well, law school keeps going.

The first rule of law school is: You do not tell your grades to anyone. The second rule of law school is: You do NOT tell your grades to ANYONE. There’s something about law school that takes competitiveness to a new and intriguing level. It’s more of a mutually assured destruction, really. Everyone knows that […]

A Place To Call Your Own

We depart from our regularly scheduled programming (unsuccessful attempts at snarky humor) to bring you some useful information. As a new law student in Boston, one of the first things you are going to need to take care of is finding a place to stay. Here are some general guidelines that hopefully will get you […]

(This Makes Me Samuel L. Jackson in Jurassic Park)

Q: How do you escape a velociraptor? A: Run faster than the person next to you. A friend of mine loves this “joke” (defined as such to give him the benefit of the doubt). To be perfectly frank, I think there are better solutions to the problem. But I kept thinking of this line as […]

Quick Link Share

For any of you who are still trying to make a decision on law schools, please check out seventeen great and brief tips from Clay Travis (of Clay Nation fame). Good luck everyone!