Christmas is Coming

Last week I walked into my apartment in South Campus to the sound of Christmas music. My roommate and fellow intern TJ was indulging in the classic Christmas tune “Jingle Bell Rock.” As a staunch December-only Christmas music listener, I jokingly cried out, “TJ! It’s only October 16th! Why in the world are you listening to Christmas music?”

To me, it only begins to feel like the Christmas season has begun once the Thanksgiving leftovers have been eaten and the rush to finals begins. Perhaps its in part due to my California upbringing. The sunny weather perpetually juxtaposed the wintry scenes depicted by Johnny Mathis and Nat King Cole on the radio driving back from school, piano lessons, or golf practice, in effect focusing Christmas’ effects on the calendar date and the lighting of advent candles rather than the ambiance of a true “White Christmas.”

After a bit of playful banter with TJ regarding his choice of Christmas music in October, I returned to my room and thought about why I never really liked to listen to Christmas music outside of the Christmas season. This in fact, was not true. I listen to “O Magnum Mysterium” nearly every month. Though not a Christmas classic you might hear on the pop radio, it’s message and story are based centrally in the Christmas story. When listening to the choral masterpiece again, I realize that Christmas never really stops. The feeling and hope Christmas brings should be carried through every year, even in the 300th day after December 25th.

So maybe, it’s okay to listen to Christmas music in October…maybe.


neda posted on June 6, 2023 at 6:10 am

good job…
Write happy texts…
Let’s get away from bitterness…

mixing tank posted on June 16, 2023 at 9:44 pm

You make it look easy!

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