Posts by: aclauhs

Abigail Clauhs is a student at Boston University, where she is majoring in religion and minoring in English, anthropology, and Twitter addiction. With a dedication to diversity and interfaith cooperation, Abigail leads the Boston University Interfaith Council, where she coordinates discussions and interfaith service events among many Boston-area colleges.

She cares deeply about fostering dialogue and understanding between people of various walks of life and worldviews. In addition, she has a love for community service that has led her to teach classes to immigrants and refugees, rebuild homes after Hurricane Katrina, and volunteer with international seafarers in the port of her hometown in Charleston, South Carolina.

A longtime fondness for the written word inspires her to work with the Boston University Literary Society, where she is an editor for the literary journal Clarion, as well as to tutor at the Boston University Writing Center. In her spare time, she can often be found on a park bench with her notebook, scribbling poetry and generally looking like a pretentious hipster.

In 2012, she was selected to be a Millennial Values Fellow at the Millennial Values Symposium held by Georgetown University’s Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs; she has also received a fellowship from the Fund for Theological Education.

After graduation, Abigail hopes to pursue a career in the nonprofit/NGO world doing interfaith humanitarian work.

Unbelief from a Loving God?

God is Not Great. The End of Faith. The Godless Constitution. The Portable Atheist. They are stacked up on my desk in my apartment, their abrasive titles piled one atop the other. Christopher Hitchens abounds. Yes, I am taking a class on atheism. And agnosticism, to be exact. In US history. With the amazing Stephen […]

The American Creed

So, being a major religion dork, I did not, needless to say, spend my winter break reading this: Nope. Instead, I could be found reading this: It is a beautiful book called The Cathedral of the World on Unitarian Universalist theology, written by Forrest Church, an inspiring Unitarian Universalist minister and theologian who struggled through […]

Shabbat, Or As We Might Say, Sabbath

This Friday evening, I will be breaking bread with the Jewish students on campus. In Judaism, the Jewish Sabbath (or Shabbat) begins at sundown on Friday evening and lasts until Saturday night. In observation of this, at BU Hillel there are services and a Shabbat dinner every Friday night. This Friday’s Shabbat is a special […]

Tweaking Carrie Underwood

I’m from South Carolina. In South Carolina, there is a lot of country music. And where there is a lot of country music, there is a lot of Carrie Underwood. Thus, when her song “Jesus, Take the Wheel” came out back when I was still in high school, this was inescapable: My parents love this […]

10 Things

Last Thanksgiving, a swath of my extended family (plus myself) convened at my grandparents’ house in New Jersey. On the day of Thanksgiving, as the tempting smell of turkey filled the house and the little ones grew more and more frenzied from excitement over the ten different pies my grandmother had made (but which they […]

LECTURE SERIES!!! (A Different One)

Sorry. Couldn’t resist modeling this post’s title after Robby’s own enthusiastic one. But it’s true! The BU Interfaith Council is also starting a panel series. The theme? “Religion Mythbusters.” Yep. That’s right. That’s us. Well. Maybe we look a little different. And the myths we’re busting are of slightly different kinds. But we can dream. Our goal, […]

A Handful of Mustard Seeds

This past Tuesday, the Boston University Interfaith Council (the group I run) had an interfaith discussion entitled: “Halloween, Ghosts, and the After(?)life.” Which is kind of a macabre/depressing/choose-your-negative-adjective-here topic, you’re thinking. But actually-it wasn’t. We had a range of religious traditions represented, from Jewish to Buddhist to Irish Catholic, and we talked about many things–funeral […]

On Not Being Swept Away

No, people. I’m not talking about passionate love movies and being swept off your feet, à la: Sorry to disappoint. (Though that is a good movie…) I’m talking more along the lines of being swept away by the business of life. Namely, having your spiritual practices swept away in the flood of jobs, homework, classes, […]

WWJB (Or, Who Would Jesus Be?)

Jesus. A controversial figure, right? At least today. Perhaps always. He’s fit into all sorts of categories. Jesus as Lord. Jesus as Savior. Jesus as your boyfriend (which, as Courtney Ressig of Her.meneutics can tell you, is not a good thing). The Teacher, the Redeemer, the Prince of Peace. A lot of titles. This past […]

Grad School, or What Is This “Future” You Speak Of?

My friends and I call it “the million dollar question.” It’s the one every adult (and a lot of your peers) ask you as you get closer to graduating college: “What are you going to do next?” Terrifying, right? There is a myriad of questions contained within that one query. What do you want to […]