(Pseudo-)Science Blog

Web log for PH 170: Philosophy of Science and Pseudoscience – – – – – – – – – – – Professor Peter Bokulich



Consensus and Dissent

By Peter Bokulich

Number of “scientists” rejecting “Darwinism.’
http://www.dissentfromdarwin.org/ (Discovery Institute)

How many are named Steve?
http://ncse.com/taking-action/project-steve (Project Steve)

Polls on Climate Change.

125 “scientists” who say the Earth hasn’t warmed in the past 16 years, etc.

Phil Plait objects, and points out that Lord Monckton is one of the signatories. I notice that number 3 is a professor of marketing.

For the record, only one is named “Steve.”

Also should list the “deniers” — in earlier post — along with criterion of what makes legitimate dissent, and what should count as “consensus” and why, and whether it matters.

And here is a Forbes piece on the Wall Street Journal publishing an op-ed by 16 climate deniers and refusing to publish a response piece signed by 255 National Academy of Science members.

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