Event Archives

PMiP – Project Management in Practice 2022 it’s Hybrid and it’s Here!

8-9 July, 2022

We will hold our Hybrid (partially in-person) event in Boston at 1010 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, room 420.  Key info is as follows:

Main PMiP page here.

Guide to the daily agendas here.

You can see the agenda for 8-July and 9-July here

Registration link is here.  Students: see you instructors for the password for free registration.

Jeopardy Challenge – Terriers versus Huskies (BU versus Northeastern)… date, details TBD.

This will be a game of Jeopardy with Project Management topics.

PM Program Sustainability Research Poster Day – 27-April-2022

We had an excellent time on Wednesday, 27-April, for a PM Club celebration of Earth Day (which was actually last Thursday, 21-April) featuring BU MET Project Management students presenting brief Poster sessions (about 2 minutes each) covering the projects they initiated, planned and executed in our AD642 Project Management course.  All of the projects have a sustainability theme.

The session ran from 3:30 to 4:15, with a brief kickoff meeting by the sponsoring PM Club, then the (approximately 15) student presentations, then pizza and spring water was available at approximately 4:30, with facilitated socializing at that time.

Looking forward to seeing  you at similar upcoming events to help recognize the sustainability-focused work of our PM Students!

Wow – what a first event for 2022, on 23rd Feb 2022: Meet & Greet Day

Our Meet & Greet was a (delicious) success, with pizza from T. Anthony.

We generated all sorts of ideas for events and special interest groups.  Tremendous participation, energy, and attendance.  A harbinger of things to come!

Meet & Greet





Project Management Post COVID-19: Guest Oliver Lehmann


Introduction to the PMP(R) Credential and Exam: Guest Jim Stewart


What Would You Do?” Game Show – project management sticky situations
