Upcoming CAS Communications Training – February 7

Dear Colleagues,
On Friday, February 7, the CAS Communications office will hold a training for chairs, directors, and/or admins on how to best use their services and those of other BU offices involved in communicating to different populations (students, alumni, the general public). 
  • Date: February 7, 2020 
  • Time: 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. 
  • Place: CAS B20

In this training, the following BU and CAS offices plan to cover these topics:

  • CAS Communications: CAS brand messaging and templates; how we can help you promote your program, research, faculty, and students; briefly discuss website help and the companion theme 
  • BU Today and The Brink: How to pitch stories to BU Today and what they are looking to write about 
  • BU Media Relations and Social Media: How to utilize BU Media Relations to promote faculty awards, research, and other accomplishments 
  • CAS Office of Student Programs and Leadership: How to promote special academic opportunities or events to students, including opportunities at Open House 
  • Alumni Relations: How to communicate with alumni and get involved in alumni events 
  • Development and Alumni Relations: How to help with alumni fundraising
If you would like to attend, please send an email to cascom@bu.edu or msavig@bu.edu. Hope to see you there!
The CAS Professional Development Committee

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