D&I Between the Lines: Disability Allyship in CAS

We encourage you to attend the following program hosted by the CASDI Office.

D & I Between the Lines: Disability Allyship in CAS 

Monday, May 2nd, 1-2 pm  

CAS 502  

CASDI invites all CAS faculty and staff to attend a dynamic and informative workshop on Disability Allyship at CAS facilitated by the staff of BU Disability and Access Services.  

The presentation will address the following themes: 

    • How is disability defined and what are some of the more common forms?  
    • How does disability relate to social justice and advocacy?  
    • What are common challenges disabled people experience in higher education?  
    • What are proactive ways to create welcoming and inclusive environments and practices for disabled people?  


Registrants will also receive access to several supplementary resources to enrich their understanding of the topic!  

Please RSVP by Friday, April 29thhttps://bit.ly/3ul9xqU 

This is an in-person presentation that will feature close captioning and be recorded.  We ask that all attendees adhere to all BU safety protocols. 

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