Category Archives: Workshop

D&I Between the Lines: Disability Allyship in CAS

We encourage you to attend the following program hosted by the CASDI Office.

D & I Between the Lines: Disability Allyship in CAS 

Monday, May 2nd, 1-2 pm  

CAS 502  

CASDI invites all CAS faculty and staff to attend a dynamic and informative workshop on Disability Allyship at CAS facilitated by the staff of BU Disability and Access Services.  

The presentation will address the following themes: 

    • How is disability defined and what are some of the more common forms?  
    • How does disability relate to social justice and advocacy?  
    • What are common challenges disabled people experience in higher education?  
    • What are proactive ways to create welcoming and inclusive environments and practices for disabled people?  


Registrants will also receive access to several supplementary resources to enrich their understanding of the topic!  

Please RSVP by Friday, April 29th 

This is an in-person presentation that will feature close captioning and be recorded.  We ask that all attendees adhere to all BU safety protocols. 

CAS ProDev Workshop on Trans-Inclusivity & Pronouns

The CAS Professional Development Committee is excited to announce an upcoming workshop next Tuesday, November 9th at 12PM via Zoom. We will be joined by Professor of Sociology and the Director of the Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies Program, Dr. Cati Connell. Dr. Connell will be discussing best practices on working with trans and gender non-conforming students.  

We hope that you all will be able to join us next week. Please use the following link to register:  Register Here!

Program: Trans and Gender-Nonconforming Inclusivity 

Time: 12PM

Date: 11/9/2021

Location: Zoom (get the link after you register!)

Professional Development Opportunities through BU ODL

The BU Organizational Development & Learning Office is hosting the following professional development opportunities below that might interest some CAS staff members. Please reach out to if you have any specific questions.

Organizational Development & Learning, February 2021

Working remotely presents a unique set of challenges that require resilience, collaboration, and stress management practices. Virtual work during a crisis adds additional complexity. Enhance your skills by learning how to apply mindfulness techniques, manage mental well-being, and adapt to unexpected change. The Working Remotely bundle includes a diverse array of resources (11 videos, 23 reads, and 4 listens). You can engage all of them or only one of them. You can mix and match. And you can engage them individually or with your team and department.

Featuring Dr. Amy Baltzell, Clinical Associate Professor for BU’s Wheelock College of Education & Human Development, author of The Power of Mindfulness (2018) and CMPC (Certified Mental Performance Consultant), Past President of the Association of Applied Sports Psychology.

  • February Workshop: Difficult Conversations

Many of us need to lead difficult conversations. Eliciting a positive outcome is a matter of skill and will. This session will build skills, confidence, and provide tools to help you lead difficult conversations more effectively.

February 10th , 9:00 am – 10:30 am

February 25th, 9:00 am – 10:30 am

  • February Self-Assessment: DiSC Lite
DiSC is an assessment tool that helps identify and better understand one’s work style and priorities. You will also learn to understand the styles of others and how to build effective relationships with them.

February 18th, 1:00 pm – 2:45 pm

February 25th, 1:00 pm – 2:45 pm

  • Choose to Manage Re-Launch

The OD&L team are excited to announce our re-launch of the Choose to Manage program for the Spring ’21 semester. We are going to be utilizing zoom, to make it easy for anyone to join. This comprehensive program provides individuals the tools, skills, and knowledge to be an effective manager.

Spring 2021 Session Dates:

Date Time Topic
February 24th 9:00 am – 12:00 pm DiSC & Role of the Manager
March 9th 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Delegation & Motivation
March 31st 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Hiring & HRBP
April 7th   9:00 am – 12:00 pm DE&I
April 20th 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Resilience

To sign up or nominate someone, please click here

Faculty Staff Assistance Office Workshop: Mindfulness & Stress

In order to learn more about successful work-life balance and managing stress, the Faculty Staff Assistance Office will be leading us in a Mindfulness and Stress Workshop on Wednesday, May 6 at 3:00pm.

The FSAO will provide an introduction to the basic principles of mindfulness and a discussion of ways in which it can help reduce stress. This is a very important topic to help with work-life balance as many of us adjust to working from home.

Mindfulness & Stress_Work-Life Balance Workshop

Please RSVP for the virtual event here:


The event will take place virtually on Zoom. Here are the meeting details below.

  • Meeting ID: 933-5527-4354
  • Password: prodev56


We hope you’ll join us and learn some techniques to help us manage stress during this hectic time.