BU Event Planners Group Meetings

We are delighted to announce the formation of the Boston University Event Planners Group!  Members come from departments all across campus.

This  group was created to bring all of us together to share best practices, stay up-to-date on policies and procedures, and provide a resource for everyone to connect, network, and find support.  They plan to meet on a regular basis. Please email Miranda McLean (mirandam@bu.edu) or Andrew Vigue (avigue@bu.edu) in BU Events & Conferences to be added to the Event Planners Group mailing list.

Meeting #1: Introductions

For the first kick-off meeting is on Wednesday, August 18, from 2:00-3:30 PM.  The agenda includes:

  • Welcome, introductions, and goals for the group
  • Overview of the outdoor event location request process
  • Updates on fall catering options from Catering on the Charles
  • Information on hybrid event options from LETS
  • Open time for Q&A

The first meeting will be on Zoom, please register to attend on Eventbrite:


Meeting #2: Round-Table

BU Event Planners Group second meeting on Tuesday, December 7, from 2 – 3:30 PM. 

For this meeting, E&C is going to do something a bit different.  Instead of a formal meeting with invited speakers and specific topics like last time, they are going to go more casual and have an open forum for discussion, questions, and sharing of information.  Think of this like a virtual roundtable!

When you register, you will need to submit a question, topic, tip, or idea that will help drive our conversation.  And of course during the meeting, they will open it up to even more questions or topics that you want to talk about.  This is a great opportunity to meet up in a casual environment and learn from each other as we build our event planning network at BU.

Once again, this will be hosted on Zoom.  Please register to attend via this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bu-eventplanners-open-forum-registration-204084932527.

Meeting #3: Disability & Access for Events

The BU Events Planners Group will devote this hour long meeting to a presentation by Christopher Robinson, Outreach & Training Coordinator from BU Disability & Access Services. Christopher is a Certified Facilitator & Accessibility consultant for the Performing Arts and an ASL/English Interpreter.

Join Zoom Meeting: https://bostonu.zoom.us/j/99020127392?pwd=T0g0d044TEdYc1ZxM0JaamluWHBJQT09

Meeting #4: Sustainability with Events

Wednesday, May 4, from 11 AM – 12 PM is the final meeting of the academic year.  They will host Lisa Tornatore, Director of BU Sustainability, and Lexie Raczka, Sustainability Director of BU Dining Services, and learn about planning and hosting sustainable events on campus. 

Click on this link to register: https://bostonu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEpcO2pqzIjGNzmiarWsTI0-qg_TI2xlcel. 

Spring 2022 Welcome Back Social

The CAS Professional Development Committee is excited to welcome everyone back for the Spring 2022 semester. Please join us next Wednesday, February 9th via Zoom at 11AM for a Welcome Back Social. We look forward to seeing everyone and being in community as we kick off the spring semester! 
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 957 9257 5483

Passcode: 906218

Spring 2022 – Community of Practice (CoP) Events

Please save the dates below for our Community of Practice (CoP) events this Spring 2022 hosted by the CAS Professional Development Committee (CAS ProDev). CoP events are a place for discussion among CAS administrators – where we can learn and hear from each other about various topics. We divide our Community of Practice events into three categories: Undergraduate Affairs, Graduate Affairs, and Administrative Affairs. These CoP events will all be hosted virtually on Zoom this semester.

Please let us know if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions for a CoP event.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 994 0573 5760

Passcode: spring2022

CAS ProDev Workshop on Trans-Inclusivity & Pronouns

The CAS Professional Development Committee is excited to announce an upcoming workshop next Tuesday, November 9th at 12PM via Zoom. We will be joined by Professor of Sociology and the Director of the Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies Program, Dr. Cati Connell. Dr. Connell will be discussing best practices on working with trans and gender non-conforming students.  

We hope that you all will be able to join us next week. Please use the following link to register:  Register Here!

Program: Trans and Gender-Nonconforming Inclusivity 

Time: 12PM

Date: 11/9/2021

Location: Zoom (get the link after you register!)

Upcoming Podcast Club Event – 10/28/2021

The CAS Professional Development Committee is excited to announce our upcoming Podcast Club. This month, we will discuss an interview with Jennifer De Leon, an author and professor at Framingham State University. Speaking with KQED, the San Francisco Bay Area NPR-member station, De Leon discusses many of the important topics she highlights in her most recent collection of essays, "White Space." 

Podcast Club will be hosted virtually on Thursday, October 28th at 11AM.

Please use the following link to register: https://forms.gle/FZe2C6PJJVcXJp24A

To listen to the interview, please use the following link:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jennifer-leon-dissects-white-space-through-essays-on/id73329719?i=1000516185785

Episode description

In her book of essays, “White Space,” writer Jennifer De Leon explores how she became a writer — a journey inextricably linked to her parents’ migration from Guatemala to the United States. Throughout her life, De Leon carved a place for herself in spaces that felt unfamiliar: in the private college where she didn’t feel wealthy or white enough; in Guatemala where she immersed herself in a culture and language locals expected her to already know. This is De Leon’s second book release during the pandemic — her young adult novel, “Don’t Ask Me Where I’m From,” came out last May. De Leon joins to talk about her Central American roots, her parents’ reservations about her career and writing in mostly white spaces.


We hope to see you all there!


We hope your fall semester is off to a great start! Please save the dates below for our CAS ProDev Community of Practice (CoP) events this fall. These meetings are casual discussions with fellow colleagues in similar roles to share tips, ask for advice, and build a sense of community. They will all be virtual this fall and you will find the zoom link in your emails. Please feel free to attend any of the CoPs even if you work in a different area! Get in touch with us at prodev@bu.edu for questions! 

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CAS ProDev Mentorship Program – AY2021-2022

We are excited to announce that applications are now open to be a part of the CAS/GRS Professional Development Mentoring Program for the 2021-2022 academic year! Please read the attached program overview for more information and fill out the application form below to apply. 


The ProDev Mentoring Program was created to address the expressed need of our CAS/GRS administrative staff community for programming to support career development and professional relationship building. 

We will be accepting applications for both mentors and mentees through Friday, October 29th, and mentor-mentee matches will be notified by early November. The 2021-2022 Mentoring Program will run from the beginning of November 2021 - April 2022.

If you have any questions regarding the program, please reply to prodev@bu.edu.  

Ask Me Anything Sessions with Events & Conferences

We are back! It’s time to start thinking about events again, but have you forgotten how to use 25Live over the last 16 months?

If your skills are a bit rusty and you are looking for the opportunity to ask specific questions related to using 25Live to request locations for your events, then you will want to sign up for an Ask Me Anything session with Andrew from Events & Conferences!

These sessions will give you the opportunity to ask any question you have about 25Live to help you get back into it. There will be no formal agenda and no guided training. Simply come prepared with any questions you have and Andrew will answer them. Since these sessions will be conducted over Zoom, Andrew will share his screen with you to illustrate live the answers to your questions.

Register to attend one of these sessions:

Wednesday, August 11, from 2 – 3 PM


Tuesday, August 24, from 11 AM – 12 PM



BU Events & Conferences Reservations: roomres@bu.edu 617-353-2932