Grant-Funded Projects and Consulting Assignment

Estimating Potential for Financial Services in India (for BCNet)

In this project, I have delivered a data product which captures hyper-local information on the potential for financial services in the states of Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra.


A research program on Gig Economy (for NCAER)

In this project, I am providing consulting services to NCAER on conducting a survey of gig workers in India. In the first stage, nearly 1000 workers from 20 cities in India were surveyed. The project also involved consultations with key stakeholders on critical labor market challenges facing gig workers in India. (Link)


Alcohol Taxation, Affordability and Price Elasticity: Analysis of 7 Indian States (sponsored by WHO)

In this project, we conduct price and tax elasticity estimates of alcohol consumption and participation for seven states in India, using NFHS 2015-16, NFHS 2004-05 and NSSO 2011-12. Price and tax structure was collected from state excise department. We find that while consumption elasticity and participation elasticity is low, cross-price elasticity between alcoholic product is high. Further, as opposed to conventional knowledge, individuals have a high propensity to switch to more expensive liquor if cheaper liquor is banned. The results have implication for prohibition policy.